Friday 30 September 2011

Direction is MORE important than SSPPPEEEED....

Journey starts after fixing the destination and direction.In any case journey or speed should be decided after fixing the direction.This is first step towards our destination.
Whenever, our destination is fixed then we choose our ways and decide our speed. Direction is important for any activities...Just think !!! Can you run without target, can you drive without direction, can you work blindly, can you study without ambition, can you run here and there without knowing anything, can you keep your self busy without works.NOT, AT ALL.

It is very clear that direction is important before starting journey.Do you want to say something ? wait, let me complete. After fix our direction ,we decide our ways and our speed. We always try to reach our destination as soon as fast. We do not want to wait and we become speedy. Suppose, we have clever and we can get our motto faster than other , but without direction is it possible ?

Many people does not understand  importance of direction, always they imagine we should keep walking , we will reach our distention or we will get our destination, one day. I do not agree with that type of people.  I give you an example, if a high speed ship is in sea, and sea has many direction as well as no direction, if captain does not know or he has no direction then where he will reach ? he can reach any where, he can reach unwanted destination, then what is the use of his high speed, at last, before starting a journey ,he will need direction.As well as ,Our life is like a ship and our world is like a sea, with direction and without direction also.

I ask everyone, only with highest speed  can we get our destination without direction ? Impossible, then why we play with our life without direction ? Why we waste our speed , why we waste our quality, why we waste our intelligibility,  why we waste our energy without knowing our direction ? Whenever, we would be doing work without direction, we would be wasting our energy. 

There are so many people who work hard but they never get target because they can only do hard work, they have not right direction. When they do not get their ambition then they start saying that after a great effort, we could not get our target but they do not think that they had started their works without a direction. If they failed then they are only liable for their failure.

Remember , speed is good, effort is good, hard work is good , mental ability is good but without direction no use of these quality. So , be speedy no problem but fix direction first because direction is more important then speed. Therefore,Go confidently,Go speedily in the right direction before starting of your journey and, Live the life you have imagined.

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Thursday 29 September 2011


We should think big and we should work big, it does not mean we should starting a lot of work beyond our capacity at a same time.Many people start several work at a time expecting that they are able to do all the work at a time.It does not happen and we face several problem at a time. Who does like this ,You can observe them ,they would be staying in mentally pressure, and trying to manage their works. I am not talking about you only, Although , I am also one of them. It is easy to say but uneasy to apply. There are so many articular are written by me,which inspired people, but I could not inspired my self. 

I explain about myself ,what I was and what I am ? I am acquiring the lands in several part of Maharashtra, so mostly people know me and calling me ,Sir, I have a good location plots at cheaper price. I start working on this without completing previous  deal, and always I face many difficulties from the owner side e.g. Sir ,you have not completed my deal, when our deal will completed, when all permission will come, our family members are not ready due to delay, rate is increasing day by day, you should pay extra money,If within certain period you did not complete your deal then deal will be cancelled and We are free to sale to anyone.

Due to my mistakes,I have been facing this type of problems since five years. Always I think it should be not done again by again. I decided , without completing previous deal , I will not enter in new deal, but I always do not follow , what I decided. We can laugh on me because after several incident, I could not gave up my bad habit and till today I am facing a lot of problems. It is different thing that I completed all the deal after facing the problems, but I personally believe that It is wrong way to working.

When I started work for other company or when I start work then I decide,this time I will not repeat the same thing,because I have done mistakes in yesteryear and faced many problems.  I accept, that I was habitual to do mistakes again by again even after a big lose.It is different thing that I completed all works of the companies after facing the problems but It was not a smooth deal.

I was fade-up and wanted to give up, Gradually, I started to give up my bad habit and I fought and won myself.Now I try to do one work at a time and No new deal without completing previous deal. I am adopting this , and I feel myself little tension free. Now I do not do several work at a time. I decided, I will not purchased new deal till clear my old deal. Now,I am clearing all my previous deal. I decided that What mistake I have done ,further, In any case it should not be repeated.

As well as some people does work like me , they take  several work at a time and try to manage to all, because they think if they refused then client can withdraw the work ,so they try to complete work with a hectic schedule and try to convince their clients. According to me, If we can manage several work at a time and we can deliver work on time then we  should take work or we should complete work within the time.

Further, I state that I am also improving my self and I believe in myself. In fact, I gave up my bad habit. If you want to do several work or you have already taken many works then try to complete all within time, if possible. I was failure and after lose I gained, that is why, I advice you.

Why do you want to learn after a great lose ? I have lost huge amount due to my this habit, but I promised myself, again I will not allow myself to do work like this.I discovered a zone..stress-free zone. Why do you not promise yourself also ? If you could not apply then after lose you will realized .Is it  necessary that you will learn after great lose ? Think, again by again, and make a STRESS-FREE-ZONE for your self.   

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Take RIGHT decision on RIGHT time...

Mistake is always done by our self , it does not mean we should not care.Oftentimes, we  do not take right decision on right time.We try to take right decision at right time only but always we miss and we regret.We lose so many work, job, relation ,education etc. due to not taking decision on right time.Sometime we ignore, sometime we say, let's see ,what happen.Sometime, we think whenever problems will create then we will think.Some time we do not take decision due to lack of knowledge, due to other problems.Sometime we think what we decided it is correct even we do not care other opinion and we fall in great problem.

Many people has lost many opportunities in their life ,because they could not take decision on time. It would have been also happened in your life . Recall, we will find that we have lost many thing in our life.I am one of them.One important thing, experience, knowledge and education helps us to take right decision on right time, but not always.

Our decision can be wrong, may be time can be also wrong, although we can not work blindly,we can not ignore opportunities.We have to plan.We have to take decision.We have to wait for right time.Whenever, right time comes and if we would be there then we should not ignore the current situation.Many intelligent student could not take right decision during their education and they lost chances and could not prove their self.Sometime we fall from success to failure due to not taking  right decision at right time. Whole life we have to careful about our decision ,we cant play with our life ,many people lost all thing after getting all success.  

I do not say that every decision will be correct and every time will be right, but can we ignore this philosophy  of life ? Always,we are not able to take all decision on right time and right place.In spite of that we should understand importance of making decision. We always say, we will do something great work, whenever my right time will come. When our right time will come ? Remember,  We have to live most careful during making a decision . If we could not apply this philosophy in our life then we can lose several important thing in our life. Therefor, we should understand and should  take right decision on right time.
Indian Property Management and Research

Indian Property Management and Research

Mumbai, India

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Money will FOLLOW you...

Stop RUNNING behind the money, Money will follow you. It is long established fact  and thinking that Money makes money. I do not agree. According to me work makes money, quality makes money.Just think which type of quality do you want in any thing. Do you like inferior goods in cheaper price or you pay higher price for quality goods.

We take an example, When we go to the shopping mall, and if we like a shirt but price is not in our budget, but when we liked then we become ready to pay higher price because we do not want compromise with quality.As well as, We pay higher price a good technician, we pay more price to the Dr, we pay higher price to good location of property, we pay more higher price for ventilated house etc.

Whenever, we purchase cheaper goods and it does not work according to our wish then what we do , we regret, and think that for save some money, we should not have purchased inferior quality goods.Next time, whenever we go to purchase any thing,then we try to purchase superior quality goods.

Whenever, we ill, we go to the surgeon, if we could afford. We try to save money only when we are not able to spend more money for quality goods/services. Same with technician , we hire best technician because we do not want any type of tension. We all know very well that there is no life of cheaper goods and there are long life of quality goods. We see in our daily life , some shop runs well in spite of costly than other shops why ? because they sale quality goods, as well as a Dr., a technician provides us better services and they charge more than others.

Give me answer a simple question. If you hire a any company who provides you hassle- free service and charge you more than other companies and some company charges less amount but they do not provide you hassle-free service, Although they start calling you for unwanted small-small reason then with whom, would you like to go ?

There are so many Dr, so many advocate so many technician they come to you, they wait for you, but there are some Dr. some advocate they do not have time, they are not easily available then we take appointment and wait for a long time even they charge us higher and we pay happily, and we think we spent more money but we got quality services.

Therefore,  in stead of running behind the money improve yourself , try to provide good service, try to sell quality goods, try to give good treatment , try to do for the best in your field then you will not have to run behind the money and money will come behind you.

Stop running behind the money, although start running behind the good works behind the providing quality services, behind a create a fantastic idea then Money will follow you.Cultivate your quality , money will grow like fruits.


Thomas L. Doorley, III GROUP

CEO, Chairman at Sage Partners
Greater Boston Area
Professional Director at National Association of Corporate Directors

Thomas L. Doorley, III • Solid advice...figure out how to satisfy a need, a meaningful one at that, and the reward will come. As an advisor to stage 1&2 (young, entrepreneurial companies I counsel them not to worry match about an exit. If you build a successful enterprise a satisfying exit will come. To think exit too soon is putting th horse before the cart...harldy a way to make progess.



Istanbul, Turkey

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Indian Property Management and Research

Indian Property Management and Research

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Mumbai, India

STOP Making eXcuses....

eXcuse Me, Please. Don't say, " If you have a idea and you think, you can make a history , then why are you waiting, come out and show to every one, May be some one will appreciate you, but if you stay in a cave and think one day, world will came to know ".. Dear friend, you are in technology era , and every one are using it. Do not think that what you are thinking, no one can think. You are wrong. There are uncountable people around you, who are thinking like you even better than you.If you have dare to show your talent, and if you belief in yourself, no need to wait.

Hello !!!! do not give me excuses, I want to see ,what you are, and what can you do ? I am not interested to know your eXcuses.

If you did not get chance or no one is bother about your plan,or you did not leave  your Conservative mentality.Leave it now and Stand-up strongly, and show the people and say , Attention !! Every one ,what I think ,you all will have to believe me,that I deserve and I can do it wait..I will prove my self.If you have dare like this then your journey will start from here, and you will have to fight with yourself to prove yourself.

If you can not do this,then you...Please,Please,Please,do not give me excuses. 

If you will start to giving me excuses then I will understand that you are only a loud speaker, I will bound to think that you can only speak, you can be only loud, you are dreaming and you can not do any thing in your life. If  you want that no one should think like this, then Come out and tell, what are you going to do,and how you will do it.

Therefore, instead of giving excuses ,stop this and accelerate yourself, NOW.

Monday 26 September 2011

Enthusiasm : Invisible MISSILE

Strong feeling of interest till achievement of any motto is called enthusiasm. We see in our life someone start his journey and come back and someone fights till end. We call it energy ,but how energy comes ? Energy is supplied by enthusiasm . Now you will ask me  , explain me ? OK... do you know about resistant power ? I explain you with a example, building  is a mixture of bricks,sand, cement , water and steel. Right, but did you think,how cement works ? Confused ? I elaborate it , cement has resistant power,which comes with dilution,and it holds the structures.Can we construct building without cement ? NO...Sometime, we see some building collapses , why , because resistant power does not support to the structure . 

Why  building becomes weak, why its structure leaves its resistant power, because we does not care, we does not repair time to time,  Result , cement loses its power and structure becomes weak, and we have to demolish the building, and we have to reconstruct.Remember,when resistant power gone, it can not be restore, we have to start from the beginning.

As well as, there are white-cells in our body, who fights with our enemies inside our dody,whenever white-cells becomes weak then its fighting power does not work properly and we become weak,ill , powerless, and we lose our interest in any work,and we are captured by several disease. Did you understand ?

Our body is like a building and our bones are like a structure and our emotion are like a elements.The building does not get strength without cement, as well as our desires does not get strengths without enthusiasm .Major difference between building and body is that building are made by someone by mixture of goods but we have to make our building our self.Enthusiasm is like a cement, and we are filled with resistant power,which is supplied by enthusiasm.If we do not repair our elements then its become weak like a destroy-able building. 

I believe,I explained importance of enthusiasm .Enthusiasm ignites greatness. Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.If you lost it.Restraint it.Enthusiasm is the most important thing in everyone life.Curb your enthusiasm.Know, power of enthusiasm. Apply it every where , believe me, you will never stop,unless an until, you achieve.It is our conceal power.  


Sunday 25 September 2011


I could not get, what  I wanted. I have lost every thing then what can I do now, my time has been passed, I had every thing but now, I have nothing,it is always heard and told.
If you lost every thing ,does not mean, you have lost your life, there is more chances, if you regain and recharge yourself.It is in your hands.Do not need to disappointed.

Whenever something went wrong or something goes wrong, does not matter. Matter is this, how we take and how we manage our-self in positive and negative situation.If we accepted, that we have lost our energy and other chances in our rest life then we will be starting to lose our identity and this will decrease our internal power, and gradually we will be losing our fighting capacity against opposite condition. 

What do you do, when you are working on the computer ? when it does not work or suddenly light goes or in the case of deleting of you important data or it does not start. Obviously, you push restart button again by again, whenever it does not work properly and what does your computer do,It indicate,restore your data, some exiting file can be destroy,computer is not properly shut down,restore your important data before shutting down the computer.Do you shut down the computer without saving the important data ? do you ignore ? Of course not, then why do we not store our data,power,fighting-capacity,determination,desire,hope,learning etc.

Remember , we can control our computer but no one can control us, we have to control our self . we have to restore our data of life our-self.The first step to getting the thing ,we want of life is this - we should decide , in any condition, we will save our small-small major data,and little thing in life,and one day, we will look back and realize, they were the big thing.If you have lost major part of your life, do not worry , regain and restart your-self and give a meaning to your balance life.

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Mumbai, India

Saturday 24 September 2011

Kaizen - Method

Plan ,what do you want ?

Quality is a part of the process and not the end product.

Kaizen is a philosophy which will ensure guaranteed success for activity.

Everyone has different - different plan for success. Someone want to start a new business, someone plan for a big company, someone plan to join a company.Someone plans for MBA,Engineer,Dr.,Actor etc.
Put all effort to plan.

Success demands a process.There are many stage between plan and success.Good planning is not a final stage of success.

We have to apply several method, and we try to contemplate small small thing,e.g.plan,product,office,design,publicity,client-data,finance,our partner,employer,collage etc.

what should we do ? should we clear.
2.Plan should be according to vision.
3.How will we work?
4.To whom will we work?
5.Time - management.
7.How to apply.
8.Product Quality.
9.Reasonable and rational expectation.
Put all major elements together 

If we want to success in any field then every elements should be 100% perfect.Without apply this process, we can not get a grand success.I give you a little example, There are many parts in a Pen, e.g. Ink,lid,body,cover,color,grip,flow,nickle,presentation etc. If all part is not perfect ,then there are least chances for selling the pen in huge quantity.To run a company, we have to very careful because company does not work only for profit, although they are responsible to the society, government,  country,worker,labours, etc.

Planning,marketing,office, dedicated employee,administration,product design,publicity design,finance, customer services,quality maintaining,day by day improvisation, customer satisfaction etc are the major part of any successful company or any brand.Without this we can not run a company successfully.
Small small steps become BIG.

It is very clear that without proper planning, we can not insure success .Each and every part of the business, life, study should be hundred percent  perfect.When all things will come together then we can get a grand success in any field. The process is of  formost important of any thing. Apply Kaizen - Mathod and change your life.