Wednesday 28 September 2011

Take RIGHT decision on RIGHT time...

Mistake is always done by our self , it does not mean we should not care.Oftentimes, we  do not take right decision on right time.We try to take right decision at right time only but always we miss and we regret.We lose so many work, job, relation ,education etc. due to not taking decision on right time.Sometime we ignore, sometime we say, let's see ,what happen.Sometime, we think whenever problems will create then we will think.Some time we do not take decision due to lack of knowledge, due to other problems.Sometime we think what we decided it is correct even we do not care other opinion and we fall in great problem.

Many people has lost many opportunities in their life ,because they could not take decision on time. It would have been also happened in your life . Recall, we will find that we have lost many thing in our life.I am one of them.One important thing, experience, knowledge and education helps us to take right decision on right time, but not always.

Our decision can be wrong, may be time can be also wrong, although we can not work blindly,we can not ignore opportunities.We have to plan.We have to take decision.We have to wait for right time.Whenever, right time comes and if we would be there then we should not ignore the current situation.Many intelligent student could not take right decision during their education and they lost chances and could not prove their self.Sometime we fall from success to failure due to not taking  right decision at right time. Whole life we have to careful about our decision ,we cant play with our life ,many people lost all thing after getting all success.  

I do not say that every decision will be correct and every time will be right, but can we ignore this philosophy  of life ? Always,we are not able to take all decision on right time and right place.In spite of that we should understand importance of making decision. We always say, we will do something great work, whenever my right time will come. When our right time will come ? Remember,  We have to live most careful during making a decision . If we could not apply this philosophy in our life then we can lose several important thing in our life. Therefor, we should understand and should  take right decision on right time.
Indian Property Management and Research

Indian Property Management and Research

Mumbai, India

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