Sunday 2 October 2011

Look Forward...

Don't cry over the past , it is gone. live in present and make it beautiful and make a strong way for coming future. What you have lost in past, it will never come come back. Why you are singing a same song that I hvae lost many thing in the past. A lot of people have lost a lot of thing in the past, you are not only one.

It is sure that you are not going to get back what you has been lost. Batter forget the past and look forward.Whenever, you will try for batter then you can recover your loses, but if you did not try for your betterment then you are always loser because lose is lose,may be batter thing will be waiting for you and you can lose that.We lose relation. We lose money, we lose reputation, we lose friend, we lose business, we lose examination etc. What is the substitute of lose, very simple , we should learn and we should look forward.

If you are blaming or you are waiting or you are crying till today.If you are thinking till today that I could have done this and that. I could have saved loses, I could have managed etc. Stop this thinking, don't look back, look forward.Forget what you have lost in the past but never forget what it taught you for future.Lose is not in your control, present is yours, how can you utilize it for batter tomorrow ,it is in your control.So, in stead of looking past look forward.

Failure ?!!! Get-UP...NOW

Don't be disappointed if you failed. This is a part of life. All people pass and fail . Some people accept it as a lesson and some people accept it as permanent failure. If there is no fail then how will we try for the next. After failure you should gain more power ,more energy. 
World  is like a play ground and we are players and we play here , we fight here ,sometime we win and some time we fail.We should try to win ,but it is not necessary that we will win all the time. Fail or pass does not matter, although how we handle this , its matter. Sometime winner lose the game, sometime Sachin become out on zero, some time, we win the world cup and some we lose all the matches. Some time big banner's film flops and some time small films become big hit. We should have been trying for win after the failure.

If you are in depression or you lost hope , Please get-up, curb yourself and start running. Victory is waiting for you, Believe me. Many people lost hope and they never tried for the next but you don't include yourself in them, be a example and fight and win and guide them who left the battle field, who are sleeping at home , who does not want to wake up, who lost them self, increase them tell them after failure you can pass why not they. 

Again I say don't stop after get wound, don't stop yourself, whenever no body can walk you start running ,Do separate yourself from others. Do not disappointed.  You can  win, you will win.Failure gives us another chance to fight and win, to prove.

Why do you not take advantage of this ? Why do you not repair yourself ? Why do you not prepare yourself ? Why do you not collect all weapon to fight with failure ? Every body has power to defeat the failure but they does not utilize their hidden power.They blame to others. Hello !! how many example, how many evidence do you need ? Enough is enough , I can not get-up you again by again. I try to get-up you but you do not want to wake. 

Why are you so rigid ? It looks you do not deserve for winning, you are like a salve, you are like a non-energetic people, you are vision-less
FURIOUS ?? don't get furious,if you are not like this then get-up, and I  also want to see that you get ready.No argument, first start running , fight and win then you can say anything to me, NOT NOW.Always people got furious on me when I try to explain.

No one is PERFECT..

There is no limit of perfection. Undoubtedly, it is truth and nobody can reject it, saying that I am perfect.
If you say, that, I am perfect then you are wrong Mr.Perfectionist. Perfection is a myth. No body is perfect in this world , every body has their faults. If you are doing some work or trying for the best , then there are chances for mistakes because sometime, we try, that mistakes should not be done in spite of that, mistake are happened, and there is no control. 

Sometimes, great job is done by perfectionist but they are always ready to improvise their creation to make batter than best because they understand no one can be perfect.

Everyday world is changing in all aspects, what was invented in yesteryear , now it is discovered that there are some faults and it should be re-corrected. Wise and practical person never rigid about their work although they are always ready to improvisation , but there are some people who does not accept their faults and even not ready to listen their faults, Remember this type of people are rejected by others.Never say , I am perfect although always ready to accept your mistakes and improve your self.

You know very well that there are always recheck option have to keep in all field because there is always chances for mistakes, and if any faults are done then faults could be removed.A simple example,whenever children start their learning life then pencil is provided with eraser knowing that uncountable time mistake will be done and they can use eraser to remove their mistakes.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            As well as,A pencil with eraser is used by every creative people because they know that eraser will have to use to erase their mistakes. So,we will have to accept that no body is perfect in this world. If mistake were made, we must learn from them and move on.Someone can be great but can not be a perfect.

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