Sunday 20 November 2011

Handling Disappointments : Key of Life

Disappointment are a part and parcel of life and the key to life is all handling disappointments. Your measure of success is directly propositional to ability to handle disappointments.

Disappointments are actually what you make out of a particular situation. Embracing the disappointments leaves to frustration, depression and anger which in turn results in stress.This stress is turn place havoc with your health.

Some time we are disappointed due to several several reason sometime situation become out of control and we lose our patience and some time we become mentally unbalance . 

We all of us face this type of problem , some people handle it but some people can not handle this and start doing unwanted activities ,like irritation  anger, depression , quarrel etc.. but in the same situation some people handle disappointment   situation calmly and patiently . 

whenever we become disappointed or we go to the depression stage then we should keep ourselves quiet and cool, because we cannot solve the problems, although we create more problems. By loosing our control can we solve the problems?
NEVER.. then why we do not keep quite and cool ? 
If you are responsible person then there are so many extra liabilities you have to maintain , you have to do many thing not only for you even some time for other people also.

One should be calm in any situation so as to be able to think clearly and handle the situation better.Therefore one should understand that having patience will increase your ability to handle disappointments better.
Better you are able to handle your disappointments the more will be your success in life.Keep your appointment with disappointments.

Mumbai, India