Friday 30 September 2011

Direction is MORE important than SSPPPEEEED....

Journey starts after fixing the destination and direction.In any case journey or speed should be decided after fixing the direction.This is first step towards our destination.
Whenever, our destination is fixed then we choose our ways and decide our speed. Direction is important for any activities...Just think !!! Can you run without target, can you drive without direction, can you work blindly, can you study without ambition, can you run here and there without knowing anything, can you keep your self busy without works.NOT, AT ALL.

It is very clear that direction is important before starting journey.Do you want to say something ? wait, let me complete. After fix our direction ,we decide our ways and our speed. We always try to reach our destination as soon as fast. We do not want to wait and we become speedy. Suppose, we have clever and we can get our motto faster than other , but without direction is it possible ?

Many people does not understand  importance of direction, always they imagine we should keep walking , we will reach our distention or we will get our destination, one day. I do not agree with that type of people.  I give you an example, if a high speed ship is in sea, and sea has many direction as well as no direction, if captain does not know or he has no direction then where he will reach ? he can reach any where, he can reach unwanted destination, then what is the use of his high speed, at last, before starting a journey ,he will need direction.As well as ,Our life is like a ship and our world is like a sea, with direction and without direction also.

I ask everyone, only with highest speed  can we get our destination without direction ? Impossible, then why we play with our life without direction ? Why we waste our speed , why we waste our quality, why we waste our intelligibility,  why we waste our energy without knowing our direction ? Whenever, we would be doing work without direction, we would be wasting our energy. 

There are so many people who work hard but they never get target because they can only do hard work, they have not right direction. When they do not get their ambition then they start saying that after a great effort, we could not get our target but they do not think that they had started their works without a direction. If they failed then they are only liable for their failure.

Remember , speed is good, effort is good, hard work is good , mental ability is good but without direction no use of these quality. So , be speedy no problem but fix direction first because direction is more important then speed. Therefore,Go confidently,Go speedily in the right direction before starting of your journey and, Live the life you have imagined.

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