Saturday 26 November 2011

Marketing : Is Degree Enough ?

We can not convince or sale any products or services to others without their interest . Best way to sale your products or services , first you should create  interest to others for listing you , then you can explain and convince them. If you meet  someone and you want to explain something then contemplate first others present mental status and their priorities . 

I have to meet professionals from other companies and there are many professional works in our company.One thing is common in Mostly professionals that they do not understand body language and situation of customer or employer.Whenever they meet,they start speaking without knowing other situation  then I have to stop them and I become bound to say them that I am busy in some other important work , now I have no time to listen you, catch me later. 

One day, I kept my view in the meeting. I would like to share all of you.

Secret of selling of product and services -- Firstly , fix a meeting, create interest of others to you, understand others's body language , listen carefully , reply related to subject , do not be irritate during the meeting, try to understand others requirement and interest , explain why products or service are necessary and what is advantage and how can it could be useful ,if you are 100% sure that other person is convinced then you should start about selling and pricing.

I would like to advice to my employee and colleague  that before selling your products or services , firstly create interest of other , if others are not interested then do not try to convince and sale your products or services. Otherwise , you could lose your prospective customers.

If you do not find room for sharing your view then do not try to share; wait for right time, right situation and right place.


Before You Speak

There are so many people who start speaking without listening and without thinking . Many people think after speaking and mostly time they regret that they should not have spoken . 

Many time I observed that marketing executive , sales man , colleague , partner and others people start speaking without knowing our interest. They are least bother about others interest even they do not observe or they do not understand others person body's Language . 

Many educated people are suffering with this habit.Only education is not enough, only marketing in MBA is not enough, although how to apply ,its matter.Mostly people try to explain their-self without knowing others interest ,thinking that I should complete myself any how , after wards if other will need then they will contact them. They think we should be completed their part. may be they could think that we got a time to meet so we should give maximum explanation , maximum conversation etc.

We would like to share my view that first contemplate others by speaking by talking and by body language then speak, you will be succeed to clear what you want to say.
Every good conversation starts with good listing.We could apply it every where e.g. in personal life, in business, in meeting, in conversation etc.

Best listener can be best speaker. Before you speak ask yourself if what you are going to say is true, is kind, is necessary, is helpful , if the answer is no, may be what are about to say should be left unsaid.
