Saturday 5 November 2011

DMIC : Maharashtra & Raigad

The Government of India has planned to develop a new Industrial belt from Delhi to Mumbai.It has recently signed a deal worth Rs. 40,000 Crore with the Govt. of Japan to start this project. 
Delhi – Mumbai Industrial corridor is a mega infra- structure project of USD 90 billion with the financial and technical aids from Japan, covering an overall length of 1483 KMs between the  Delhi and Mumbai. 

A MOU was signed in December 2006 between Vice Minister, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) of Government of Japan and Secretary, Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion (DIPP). A final Project Concept was presented to both the Prime Ministers during Abe’s visit to India in August 2007. 

Finally Government of India has announced establishing of the Multi- Modal High Axle Load Dedicated Freight Corridor (DFC) between Delhi and Mumbai, covering an overall length of 1483 km and passing through the six States – U.P, NCR of Delhi, Haryana, Rajasthan, Gujrat and Maharastra, with end terminals at Dadri in the National Region of Delhi and Jawaharlal Nehru Port near Mumbai. Distribution of length of corridor indicates that Rajasthan (39%) and Gujrat (38%) together constitute 77% of the total length of the alignment of freight corridor , followed by Haryana and Maharashtra 10% each and Uttar Pradesh and National Capital Region of Delhi 1.5% of total length each. 

This Dedicated fright corridor envisages a high-speed connectivity for High Axle Load Wagons (25 Tone) of double stacked Container trains supported by high power locomotives. The Delhi – Mumbai leg of Golden Quadrilateral National Highway also runs almost parallel to the Freight Corridor. This corridor will be equipped with an array of infrastructure facilities such as power facilities, Rail connectivity to ports en route etc. approximately 180 million people, 14 percent of the population, will be affected by the corridor’s development.

A major part of these development passes through the state of Maharashtra.
Raigad district is now emerging as a big centre of attraction for MNCs, Developers, Investors, as today it is well positioned to be the next big growth center.

These facts have triggered the demand amongst MNCs, Developers, Industrialist and Investor to invest in lands in Raigad District for their various projects.


Mumbai, India