Sunday 25 September 2011


I could not get, what  I wanted. I have lost every thing then what can I do now, my time has been passed, I had every thing but now, I have nothing,it is always heard and told.
If you lost every thing ,does not mean, you have lost your life, there is more chances, if you regain and recharge yourself.It is in your hands.Do not need to disappointed.

Whenever something went wrong or something goes wrong, does not matter. Matter is this, how we take and how we manage our-self in positive and negative situation.If we accepted, that we have lost our energy and other chances in our rest life then we will be starting to lose our identity and this will decrease our internal power, and gradually we will be losing our fighting capacity against opposite condition. 

What do you do, when you are working on the computer ? when it does not work or suddenly light goes or in the case of deleting of you important data or it does not start. Obviously, you push restart button again by again, whenever it does not work properly and what does your computer do,It indicate,restore your data, some exiting file can be destroy,computer is not properly shut down,restore your important data before shutting down the computer.Do you shut down the computer without saving the important data ? do you ignore ? Of course not, then why do we not store our data,power,fighting-capacity,determination,desire,hope,learning etc.

Remember , we can control our computer but no one can control us, we have to control our self . we have to restore our data of life our-self.The first step to getting the thing ,we want of life is this - we should decide , in any condition, we will save our small-small major data,and little thing in life,and one day, we will look back and realize, they were the big thing.If you have lost major part of your life, do not worry , regain and restart your-self and give a meaning to your balance life.

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Mumbai, India

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