Sunday 25 December 2011

Religion and Spiritualism

Why do human beings turn to god?Religion basically  pertains to god and his worship.

It is for one or all of these three reasons:
·        Fear and respect.
·        Expectations.
·        Devotion.

Fear and respect are two sides of the same coin. Fear begets respect and respect begets fear. Today the purity of respect does not exist.

When you talk of god you are talking about the most powerful entity in the universe.Therefore it is logical that a major portion of the respect which is professed is based on fear – perceived fear of acute and brutal reprisal.

So what really constitutes the genesis of  religion.Religion like culture is the product of a particular place ,at a particular time for a particular specific reason.It is therefore necessary to review, amend and re-position rituals and practices from time to time  to be in consonance with the present.

Hinduism is not a religion per se. It is just a philosophy or a way of life. It basically evolved around riverine  civilizations.
Christianity evolved from Judaism in and around Roman civilization.Judaism is probably the oldest religion and Islam the most nascent.

Everthing in life is simple. We complicate things and make it difficult for ourselves. What is difficult for us, we make it impossible for others thereby giving  rise to what is called a problem.Finally to seek a solution to the problem we seek divine grace and intervention. When this grace and intervention is not forthcoming in spite of our penances and obeisance we blame our fate and luck . 

We include all our near and dear ones also in this ambit.We never see ,accept or acknowledge anything wrong on our part.  As long as we are able to blame somebody we are satisfied.We cannot blame anybody for our own inadequate efforts or lack of enterprise. We must quickly recognize, accept and make good our mistakes.

We are all brought up with stories of appeasement to deities .  
we  are taught to look up to people who are more ritualistic than spiritual.  What is called as “mannat” is nothing but quid-pro-quo.This is either in cash or in kind or both depending on the levels of expectation and fulfillment.

All places of worship have their ratings based purely on their record of fulfilling expectations. People are very blatant and upfront with their demands and also very open and benovalent  when their demands are met.

Thus worshipping a diety in say Vaishnodevi or Tirupati is considered far superior to worshiping at the small shrine next to your house.Like business schools and other institutions temples also have ratings. There are also specialists among temples and deities – for health, marital problems etc.We also have VIP darshans – wherein some individuals are equal to god.

Religion which is supposed to unite us actually divides us.

Like a rodent which is constantly foraging for food we are also looking up to every possible temple  and deities in the single minded quest for that one miracle which will dramatically enhance our life.The fact that all this ventures have a very low success ratio is no detterent – we firmly believe that we will be that one chosen one.

In this we are no different from a person go to the casino or buys a lottery ticket.

It is high time we should realize that religion is spiritual and not ritual.It is not that we believe in miracles. We always actually expect miracles.

We are a nation of day dreamers.


Anna,Anna's team and Aam public are insulting Law,constitution,Parliament and Freedom of Speech ?

Before a support India against corruption (IAC)a few questions to Anna and Anna's team ? 120 Crore Janta anxious to know the answer of these question.

 1.Our constitution give us freedom of speech and expression. But main question is this what is the limitation of freedom of speech and expression ?
2.What is happening in country , and what method is being
 applied, what type of language is being utilized by Anna and
 Anna's team and Aam admi against the Govt and elected leader is
 constitutional ?
3.Is this not insult of Parliament ? 

4.Is it not defamation of Parliament ?
5.Is it not undemocratic ? 
6.Is not blackmailing ? 
7.Is is not threatening ?
8.Is is not misuses of speech ? 
9.Is is not misusing of freedom ? 
10.Is is not uses of Aam public against the parliament ? 
11.Is is not threatening to elected members
12.Is is not unconstitutional ? 
13.Aam public is also not responsible for undemocratic movement ? 
14.Did Kiran bedi not misutilise the Govt. post during her 
   service ?
15.Are Anna and Anna'steam not provoking to public against law 
   and constitution ? 
16.Is Anna not abusing parliament members ? 
17.Do you think all public are supporting the movement ? 
18.Is it not true that there are anti country elements behind this movement ? 
19.Is Anna not acting against the congress party ? 

20.Do you not think Anna is provoking other public for against the movement ? 
21.Is there are not a lot of problems except corruption in country, which should be solved first ? 
22.Do you think people can organised for other reason like this movement ?
23.What mobs/ people can not be wrong ? 
24.Is Anna  not cashing Bapu name in this movement?
25.Who has right to make a law ? 
26.Do you not think a wrong demanding system is being develop in country ?
27.Is Anna'language is not changing time to time ? 
28.What Prashant Bhushan said about Kashmir was right ? 

29.Was prashant Bhusan should not send behind the bar for anti-country statement ? 
30.Are  Aam public not following blindly this movement ? 
31.Do you think Aam public should decide about the law making 
   procedure ?
32.Should law be maid on road ? Should court proceeding be done 
   on road and Aam public should decide about the judgement and
   they will advice to judge ? 
33.Why are you giving judgement against leader and Govt before the court judgement? 
34.Do you have evidence against the Govt? 
35.Do you have right to judgement ?
36.Are you threatening or blackmailing ? 
37.Charity always begins at home.There are many problem in 
   Maharashtra ,why  First do you not set your own house in order
   the rest will take care of it self ?
38.If each one of us will set up our home in order then there 
   will be no problem will be country.Anna what do you say ? 
39.Anna and Anna team claims 120 crore janta are with them.Who
   gave them certificate to claim this statement? 
40.A lot of people are against them.Does Anna know ?

41.Anna and Anna team is a law maker or
   what ? 
42.Why you do not respect law and constitution ? 
43.Do you not think that only some
   leaders/Govt. are not responsible for
   corruption and unemployment in India ?
   Less or more ,we all are also 
44.People will teach this Govt a lesson:
   Anna . which lesson are you talking about ?
45.Anna,65125/ - in your bank account. How you survives by
46.How much Ramlila maidan expenses was ? Who paid the money ? 
47.Who is your financier ? 
48.Who pays for crowd? who pays for andolan expenses ? 
49.Donar are uncorrupt ? 
50.This Andolan is not in favour of public although this Andolan
   is against the congress and public are being utilized by
   hidden enemy.What is your reply ? 
51.Your language is being abusive and public are supporting 
   you.why do you not stop for using offensive language ?
52.Who pays for Andolan expenses ? You should declare .
53.Do you not think that debate should be at right place with 
   right person ? 
54.What do you want to say ? A individual is greater than Law and
   constitution ?
55.Why do you not wait till election ? 
56.Do you not think mob is being misutilize against congress ? 
57.There are some limitation of law and everyone should respect ? 
58.Why you give judgement without knowing the fact?
59.Is court against Anna ans Anna movement ? 
60.Will Anna and Anna'team go next Andloan against court for not
   allowing Anason free of cost ? 
61.Your followers are offensive, they can say anything but they
   cant hear against them,Why ? 
62.Why you manipulated MMRDA's rule for taking advantage of 
   Govt's rule? 
63.You claim that you are united, no body can break us.Then why
   said that I dont know my team has appealed in court for free 
   ground.It means you are not knowing that what are being done
   in name of Anna ?
64.If Govt or any authorities ask a question then instead of
   replying, you all start blaming them stating that they are
   against movement ? Therefore they are asking question to 
   misguide the people.Why you do not reply their queries ?
65.Why are you targeting all leaders.Do you think all leaders are
   corrupt ? 
66.Do you not think rural area's students improvement is more
   important than other movements ?
67.Will you start a movement against unemployment ?
68.Will your supporter join you for other movements ?
69.Always you targeted top leader , it seems you intensely do for
   your publicity ?
70.Will you support any political party ?
71.Will you join any political party ?
72.Will you make a political party ?
73.What do you think that what you did and what you said against
   anyone is right ?
74.Why did you change your language time to time ?
75.Without passing by parliament law can not be made and all
   parties are responsible to making laws then why you targeting
   only congress ?
76.Are you using Bapu name and photo to cash Aam public emotion
   for Babu ?
77.why Gram panchayat is more powerful than sanasad ?
78.Why surpunch is more powerful than MP ?

Mostly people are keen to know answer of all above question. Our decision are base on your answer. Our question are voice of public ,people will get their answer.

Note:I am not against Lokpal Bill although I am against the undemocratic movement, offensive language against leader,wrong demanding system,avoiding of Law, unconstitutional activities and deformation of parliament.

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