Saturday 24 September 2011

Kaizen - Method

Plan ,what do you want ?

Quality is a part of the process and not the end product.

Kaizen is a philosophy which will ensure guaranteed success for activity.

Everyone has different - different plan for success. Someone want to start a new business, someone plan for a big company, someone plan to join a company.Someone plans for MBA,Engineer,Dr.,Actor etc.
Put all effort to plan.

Success demands a process.There are many stage between plan and success.Good planning is not a final stage of success.

We have to apply several method, and we try to contemplate small small thing,e.g.plan,product,office,design,publicity,client-data,finance,our partner,employer,collage etc.

what should we do ? should we clear.
2.Plan should be according to vision.
3.How will we work?
4.To whom will we work?
5.Time - management.
7.How to apply.
8.Product Quality.
9.Reasonable and rational expectation.
Put all major elements together 

If we want to success in any field then every elements should be 100% perfect.Without apply this process, we can not get a grand success.I give you a little example, There are many parts in a Pen, e.g. Ink,lid,body,cover,color,grip,flow,nickle,presentation etc. If all part is not perfect ,then there are least chances for selling the pen in huge quantity.To run a company, we have to very careful because company does not work only for profit, although they are responsible to the society, government,  country,worker,labours, etc.

Planning,marketing,office, dedicated employee,administration,product design,publicity design,finance, customer services,quality maintaining,day by day improvisation, customer satisfaction etc are the major part of any successful company or any brand.Without this we can not run a company successfully.
Small small steps become BIG.

It is very clear that without proper planning, we can not insure success .Each and every part of the business, life, study should be hundred percent  perfect.When all things will come together then we can get a grand success in any field. The process is of  formost important of any thing. Apply Kaizen - Mathod and change your life.

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