Sunday 11 September 2011

I am disagree with Anna.....

Anna appealing to his supporter
11 Sept 2011, I read in "Navbharat Times, Mumbai" that Anna appealed to all their supporters " Jo saansad Lokpal bill ka virodh kare , unka gherao karo,unke ghar ke samne pardarsan karo" what Anna and his supporter want to say ,that what we say, do it at any cost, otherwise we will go for strike, we will go for bhukh hartal, Hum apke ghar ke samne pardarsan karenge. 

I think a wrong demanding system is being day they can demand to court "criminal ko phasi do, nahi to court ka , judge ke ghar ka gherao karenge" .

He said ," corrupt saansad ko vote mat do " I am agree with that corrupt Leaders should not be elected . Do not vote , do not elect MPs, vote against leaders , its ok . 

we have right to fight for our rights but it should not be unconstitutional. 

( 1 ) Update..... 

10/12/2011 , Sunday   

Govt has cheated entire country, we suspect Rahul Gandhi for this: Anna Hazare
PTI | Dec 10, 2011, 06.24PM IST

Anna says that " I have doubt that this is Rahul Gandhi behind for a new Lokpalpal bill and Rahul Gandhi intention is not clear."

I am disagree and I want answer of my question by Anna..

I want to ask to Mr. Anna ....

How could he blaimed to Rahul Gandhi without any evidence ?
How can he use a popular leader name ? 
How can he says that all bill are made according to Rahul Gandhi?
Anna has any evidence ?
How can Rahul Gandhi name can be used only on doubt/suspect
It seems that Anna is working against Congress not Govt. 

I would like to say to Mr.Anna that you are fighting for Lokpal-bill, it is good but you should not use any personalities name and you should not deliver any statement on doubt and without proper evidence.

Freedom of speech is being mis-utilized. .

Deceleration : This is my personal view and I am ready to healthy debate on public platform.

Updated :26/12/11

Anna Hazare's comment on Rahul Gandhi has overtones of classic chicken-and-egg query

ET Bureau Dec 14, 2011, 03.18am IST
Spending one day in a hut is not enough to become the prime minister, said Anna Hazare, referring to Rahul Gandhi's overnight stays in villagers' huts during his ongoing discovery of rural India. Anna Hazare's comment could be reversed to ask whether spending even one day as India's HoG ( head of government) is the right preparation for the ultimate experience of living in a hut in the Himalayas. This, after all, is a country where the really revered down the ages were not potentates and prime ministers but those who turned their backs on power and lived like the poor, Mahatma Gandhi, of course, being the classic case in point.

Star News
Will fast in Mumbai from Dec 27 to Dec 29 and protest outside Sonia Gandhi's house on Dec 30: Anna Hazare

My View..
I am completely disagree on this statement.This is misuses of freedom.If I go to Relegoa( Anna's Village) and start hunger strike with 500 people till death demanding that if you will go to Dharna then I will also go on Dharna then what will be happen ? 
It will be legal? It will be right ? 
What Anna said it is completely unconstitutional and misusing of freedom

Mumbai, India

ANNA , INDIA is being made UNCORRUPTED with corrupt Money?

Anna Hazare   

Very few social activist have capture the 
  attention of Indians across the globe as 
 Anna Hazare did dying his "fast unto 
 death" over the issue of lokpal Bill. 

 According to details provide by India 
 Against Corruption (IAC), which 
 spearheaded the campaign,received huge 
  donation and have issued receipt to all
  the donors and have mentioned a record of 
  their details, and published on Internet 

My question :
I want to know and my question is that ....
Did Anna receive donation of Rs. 1 crore from Arindam Choudhuri ? I have read in Times Of India , Mumbai, that Anna had refused to take Arindam's donation,but Arindam claims that he donated Rs. 1 crore to Anna and he has mentioned on "Facebook" also,dated on 8 April 2011.    

There is no name of Arindam Choudhuri in donor's list , which is published by " India against Corruption " team.What is true ? If Anna received donation ,he should declare or if did not received than why Arindam is claiming ? 

We have right yo know, and "India against Corruption" team should clarify about this.They are fighting against corruption,They can ask any question to government about their work, so we could not ask any question to Anna ? 

Updated: 30/10/11,4:37 AM, 
On 11 September 2011,I had asked to Anna and Anna team about donated money, which they received from several sources.
I was asked , why I am raising this question ? Why I am against Anna and Anna team
I want to clear that I am not against Anna , although I am against his Modus-Operendi. I have right to ask any clarification in favour of public interest. 
They are using " Rights of Information" rights as a weapon.
These days they are also facing misutilising of funds and their trust. There are some complain against Anna'trust.
Now Kiran Bedi is being claimed for misutilising the donated money.She says, I am ready to refund all money. Very good, then all leaders and criminals should be released after refunding money.
Arbind Kejrival in the radius of IT department.He is also corrupt.
Prashant Bhushan has given statement in favour of Kashmir.According to him, which state wants freedom to make a new country then Government should allow them stating that if you are not willing to be a part of India,its ok, Right, Mr. Prashant Bhushan ?
Swami Agnives claimed Arbind for misutilising the donated money.
Magha patkar is also not happy with the team.
Mr.Digvijay singh has raised several question time to time, but  AAM-PUBLIC do not accept any statement against Anna.

Why , I am not agree : 
They use Right of Information as weapon, it is unfair.
They do not believe in Saansad, They believe in Sansad. (Sansad is runned by Saansad.)
There is no any power in Anna and Anna team. Public is their power, They are using public against Government.
Our public follows blindly  , Public should also understand, first. 
There are some procedure for law In law, no one can be allowed to using public power.
What Anna and Anna team are enough strong to make a lokpal bill.
Are they  fully qualified for making a law ?
They have no right to say , Sansad ka gherao karo, Jo sansad baat nahi mane usko vote mat do. Unke ghar par joa- dharna do. what is this ? Threatening or blackmailing ?

Direct question to Anna Anna-Team :
Why public funds was misutilised ?
Why all money did not declared ?
Why are you giving political statement ?
Why do you not follow law and constitution ?
Why are you taking disadvantage of public mentality ?
Why are you black mailing to the government threatening that if you will not pass the lokpal bill then public will come on the road ?
Why are you appealing to the public do not vote to a particular party ?

Direct question to AAM-PUBLIC :
Why do you follow blindly ?
There are many social - Bimari except corruption e.g. poverty, education, honour killing, etc. Why do you not come out in favour of them ?  

My View :
I accept that there are corruption and AAM-Public is against corruption .Corruption should be finished but How and who will finish ?
I openly say that I am not agree with Anna and Anna-Team's modus-operendi.
If Anna can ask any question to the Government then, can I not ask some question to him ?
I am also a AAM-PUBLIC , so I am asking questions directly to AAM-PUBLIC,Leaders ,Anna and Anna-Team.
I have been asking many question to Anna , leaders and AAM-PUBLIC and keep doing so.I have right to ask any logical question to any responsible person.

Keep Watch on me, very soon ,I will be back with different but logical  question.

Update... 12/12/11

Rahul Gandhi behind U-turn on Bill: Anna Hazare

Why Anna uses Rahul Gandhi name in Lokpal bill without evidence ? 

He is using Rahul name for his popularity and grabs the attention of media. 

Mostly crowd are fabricated and managed ?

Sunday, Mumbai.