Wednesday 20 June 2012

How to fix a bad decision

A bad decision in our planning and execution of communication activity is something all communicators dread. But how do we recognize when we have made a bad decision and what do we do when we realize it?Obviously some decisions are more important than others. Minor poor decisions can easily be corrected but major poor decisions need more attention because they could derail a project. The viability of key decisions can also affect our credibility with others such as senior management, peers, staff and customers.Unfortunately, a change may require some effort and cost in terms of dollars and political standing, and therefore may be unpalatable to consider.

Evaluate decisions within a given time-frame

It’s important with any project to build in reviews at appropriate times to evaluate the progress being made and to determine whether any important decisions need amending or superseding. Suitable times for review include the end of component stages of the project. However, sometimes you get the chance for continuous monitoring and feedback, and so you could review according to specific timeline, eg every week or month, or when certain types of responses should have been received from target audiences. These types of responses include the amount of media coverage or customer responses to coupons etc. If you aren't sure of the best time to do the reviews, ask your team members or other stakeholders of the project. Often, a third party gives a fresh viewpoint.

Decide key criteria to measure the effectiveness of the decision

Select measurable criteria to judge whether the decision is working as well as you want. By keeping to measurable criteria, you have figures to refer to rather than subjective views and your own ego. For instance, you could set a figure for an acceptable proportion of responses to a mail out, the numbers of acceptances to attend a client event, favorable responses in a stakeholder survey, bookings for an event, etc.

I've had to make some hard decisions in the past five years about whether to proceed or not with professional development events I have organized for my chapter of the local PR institute. Some of the decisions have been tough to make because venues need you to estimate numbers ahead of the event, but many people leave their booking until the last minute. The uncertainty can be nail biting! At which point do you cancel and bear the cost of that, or do you tough it out and run the risk of incurring greater costs when few turn up?

Stay factual

Even though you may feel passionate about the project, confine yourself to making factual statements to others, especially to senior management, about the project’s effectiveness. Senior managers won’t respect you if you have glowingly described a project that needs resuscitation shortly after. Don’t allow your emotions or ego color your view or cause you to delay making a necessary change.
Listen to others’ views

Even though you may strongly support a decision relating to a project, don’t allow yourself to be irrationally tied to that decision. If others are telling you a decision isn't working out, be prepared to listen and be prepared to cut your losses by pulling the plug. Too many people hang on to business decisions for too long because they have an emotional attachment to the project and don’t want to appear weak by reversing the decision (‘flip-flopping’). Or by not wanting to admit a mistake to senior managers. However, senior managers will respect you more if you bite the bullet and are decisive about reversing a decision.

Reverse a decision decisively

Don’t hope that procrastination will make the problem go away – life doesn't work like that (unfortunately!). Reversing a decision is a decision in itself and sends a signal to others that you are able to move quickly to fix a situation – that you aren't too proud to do so. Treat it as a good learning experience – we learn more from our mistakes than our successes. Move on emotionally; don’t feel sorry for yourself. By admitting you have been wrong you will gain more respect from others. Comfort yourself that making a bad decision isn't as bad as sticking with a bad decision.

By setting up a review mechanism for your communication projects at key points of time, you will give yourself a better chance of fixing bad decisions and keeping the projects on track for success.

Decisions fear

“You can't make decisions based on fear and the possibility of what might happen.” 

“Truly successful decision-making relies on a balance between deliberate and instinctive thinking.” 

“Whatever you decide, don't let it be because you don't think you have a choice.” 

“We all make choices, but in the end our choices make us.” 

“Big decisions in my life have always come easy and are made without hesitation. It is easier for me to make a life-changing decision than to decide what to get for dessert.” 

“Please do make your decisions in life and feel confident that they are right.
However, if fate is involved, feel just as confident even if they aren’t.” 

“Every moment is a moment of decision, and every moment turns us inexorably in the direction of the rest of our lives.” 

“All you can do is make your decisions based on what you know now.” 

“The decision is mine, and I choose happiness” 

“Success is not determined by the outcome. The outcome is the result of having already decided that you are successful to begin with.” 

Stop, Caution, Go

Decision makers can be categorized in three groups. These groups correlate with a traffic stoplight.

  • Red lights These are individuals who often feel frozen in fear when faced with making a decision. They are resistant to change and have great difficulty making decisions. They tend to have to have the rug pulled out from under them before they will move to safer ground.

  • Yellow lights These people are caution oriented individuals who will look both ways before venturing into the traffic. They will weigh the pros and cons of any given situation before deciding.

  • Green lights Here are the adventuresome type. They leap without looking, figuring that all will go well (they have the right-of-way after all). These people could use a refresher course in defensive driving as they do get themselves in sticky predicaments at times.
What type of decision maker are you?

Choosing Right or Wrong Decisions

Fears of Making Bad Decisions

Over the years I have counseled many clients about decisions they are faced with. Most often they have been either relationship or job related. Normally the problem I feel they are facing is not in making the decision itself, but more trying to move past the fear of making a wrong choice. I will have them imagine the best and the worst outcomes, scripting the different scenarios for each situation to help weigh out the advantages/disadvantages. I also emphasize that there truly are no wrong choices, only different paths.

During a period of time when I felt very stuck and could not decide between decision A or decision B, a good friend of mine pointed out to me that by doing nothing (remaining stuck) I had made decision C. Decisions aren't always based on either this or that options, look for door number 3, or door number 4. Stay alert for side exits or hidden entry ways. Our choices are seldom black or white, alternative pathways can be found in the gray areas.

We can't know what all the future holds for us. There are no guarantees. As much as I have struggled with making decisions in my life I am very happy that I have had so many choices offered to me. Yes, I've made some poor choices, but along with those choices came challenges and opportunities that I would not have experienced otherwise. For this reason I do not believe there are wrong or right choices. Whatever decisions we make, they will ultimately thrust us into life situations (both positive and negative). As the opportunities being gifted to us unfold in our lifes we will grow our spirits.