Wednesday 21 September 2011

Don't "DAMAGE" yourself.

we all know that face is the mirror of heart .What we are from inside ,it looks on face. Some people look very innocent , very pure, and some people has beautiful face but they do not  look beautiful, they look without sweetness.Some people look attractive even they has not a beautiful face. There are some reason , which are always ignored.
We can be hurt or damage by two ways, internal and external.when we get wound  by accident or by hit on our body , we go to the Dr. and we cure our self, and after some days our wound vanishes.We look like as before.we regain and forget.
Did you think, how we are wounded and by whom we are wounded ? we are wounded by our enemies, who stays within us,e.g.anger,jealous,furious,hate, ego, revenge, greediness etc. They rule us. Gradually, they capture us and they eating us.They direct damage to our heart, that is why, sweetness of our face vanishes.  

When we hate, jealous, angry, revenge to someone, before that, it hurts our self first.We always think, and we stay in same temperament. This hurts our self and there is no Dr.and No one can cure it. We are Dr. for our self. We have to cure it.If we could not cure it on time, then we will be superseded by our internal enemies and we can lose our sweetness, purity of our face.

If we want to save our sweetness,we will have to fight to our self and we will have to win.Sometime we can fight to others but we can not fight against our enemies who stay in us, but does not  look, they have no shape, no color. We can win , if we are determine to fight.Save your heart, save your charming face. It is priceless, don't damage it.


We have to play different-different role in our life, e.g. father, son,businessman,criminal,job,friendship,lover,boss,leader ,Some time as a boss,as employee,owner or servant. Sometime we order and some time we are ordered. 

Some time we play real role, and some time unreal role.Sometime, we give a fake impression about our self for our personal interest.It is very true that we play different-different role against each other.Some time, we do not love each other but we show that we love each other too much.Some time we hate some one but we never show, although, whenever , we meet ,we show respect for each other.Some time we dislike someone but due to reciprocal interest we have to  show positiveness against our wish.

                    What we do ...

Some time we try to give different impression ,which we are not in real.e.g..illiterate to educated, miser to donor, bad to good, little knowledge to master, fake love to true love, poor to wealthy,sad to happy, happy to sad,married to unmarried,small car to big car, small house to big house, travel- train to flight,dishonest to honest,small company to big company,many friends to one,double to single,single to several,etc. there are unlimited role which we play and some time we have to play.

Mostly people do some work only to show off to others. They want to convince you that how much good they are .Some people donate only for good impression against their will because they want to show their self as a donor and aspect they should be respected and loved from others.In spite that, there are many real people in this world,they present their self exactly what they are and they are respected and loved by others even they do not show.

According to me something never can be changed.This is our human tendency. sometime we act like this intensely and sometime we are bound to do due to several reason.Mostly people do not want to change their habits and mentality.They think, what they are doing, it is demand of our society.some time, they can be right but not every time. Whenever, we are disclosed then we are rejected. We lose our respect.We lose our original identity. 

In spite of many disadvantage mostly people can not be changed, even and I am also one of them.We always say, time changes thing but we actually have to change our self.It is not how good we are , it is how good we want to be. What do you think about yourself ? If you are presenting yourself with different images which actually you are not then what is your excuses ? Do you not think out of us many people are "FABRICATED".