Thursday 26 July 2012

Gym Tips to Consider

Here are 15 tips to consider when you step into a gym.

Wear comfortable gym attire. Work-out attire should allow you to move freely. Consider fabrics that breath and keep you cool.

Give yourself enough time. There are three parts to a workout: warm-up (10-20 minutes); workout/exercise (45-60 minutes); cool down (5-10 minutes).

Set realistic goals. Establish training goals or what I like to call action steps that are specific and appropriate for your fitness level.

Concentrate on your own program. This is time for you; concentrate on yourself and do what you need to do to achieve what you want to achieve.

Focus on your workout. Pay attention to what you are doing when you are working out. Staying focused helps prevent injury.

Drink water. Keep hydrated. Dehydration can lead to fatigue, muscle weakness, and dizziness.

Plan a balanced strength-training program. A training program trains all major muscle groups. Exercises need to be executed through a full range of motion. It is recommended that you seek the advice of a professional trainer to ensure that you are performing your exercises correctly.

Use the proper form. Bad form leads to injury (periodic supervision by a professional trainer is recommended).

Progress wisely. Exercising too hard/often may lead to drop out and/or injury. Gradual, steady progression is important (supervision by a professional trainer is recommended).

1Add variety to your workout. Change-up your workout routine. Keeping the same workout can lead to boredom, plateaus, and/or injury.

11. Adjust machines to your body size. Exercise equipment is designed to accommodate different body types. Adjust machines to your size; this practice will prevent injury.

12. Cool down after your workout. At the end of your workout, cool down with stretching exercises. This practice will lower your heart rate and improve your flexibility.

13. Practice gym etiquette. Do unto others... move away from the machine after you are finished; wipe your sweat from machines; be cordial; etc.

14. Avoid the all-or-nothing approach. A little exercise is better than no exercise at all – if you do not have time for one hour…a half- hour workout session is better than no session at all.

15. Train with a professional trainer. A one-on-one trainer will design a challenging program tailored to your needs. A trainer will take time to evaluate your fitness level, track your progress, ensure that you are performing the exercises correctly... and a trainer will give you that extra push.

Now, go get changed and be off to the gym…