Thursday 15 September 2011

Honour KILLing should be STOPPED

What is honour killing ? Honour killing is result of our cruel mentality. Have you thought, why people kill their lovely child ? Mostly people are with double mentality . If any other girl, who is not your in relation, loves some other boy, we favour her , we fight for her , we try that lovers should meet ,they should start their new life, they are young ,they have right to live, but it is applied only for others not for in our life not with our children. why ? when we do favour to other lovers then why we do not apply the same thing for our self ? Always I think this.

some time honour killing is done by a individual , some time it is done by family , some time it is done by society, we always read and watch that Mr.xxxxxx have killed his daughter, A family has killed their children, Gram panchayat has passed the order to kill etc. I ask when we fight for others then why not for our own daughter. WHY ? WHY ? WHY ?  why we are double standard, I am not talking about only who are illiterate even educated person , educated family are involve in many cases. 

It is direct related to our inferior mentality, It is direct related to our cruel mentality, It is direct related to our double standard mentality,It is direct related to our conservative mentality,It should be changed. Law is there but only law is not a final solution, because law comes in picture after the crime, when already,innocent has been gone . Every where law and police can not save the innocents.

 we will have to change our dangerous mentality. we will have to love to lovers. unless and until, we could not change  our self then it can not stopped only by law. we will have to understand that every body has right to live,when we have not given the life,then we have  not right to take the life also.If someone is going to start his/her new life according to law , according to her/his wish, then let him/her go. Do not stop them, make a smooth way for them.  

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