Monday 31 October 2011


It is said that for any success does not come  without winning of customer's heart or any business can not be run without winning customer's heart. I explain you in simple word, first , you should win the customer's heart for selling your products, otherwise you cannot run your business  although it is also said that make a route in customer heart through their mind.This is secret of any successful business man.This is the very simple theory and everyone knows even from childhood we are taught that we should love and welcome our clients.

According to me it is incomplete theory, this is only one elements among various elements for selling any product. We cannot sell our products only by winning of customer's heart. These days world scenario has been changed .We are in modern era and using high technology. We cannot sell our product only by applying (customer's mind) theory. According to me , we can sell any products by applying following major elements:- Knowledge,Quality,legal,Transparency,Marketing and Self-confidence .....

Knowledge of product
What we are going to sale , we should have 100% knowledge    of any product.

Quality of Product
Only knowledge is not enough. Our product quality should be also very good. quality work attracts people. we will have not convince our clients.

Legal aspects
If we are in Real Estate business then it is most important part . today clients have more information about legal formalities. These days we have to declared that our property are 100% clear and approved by bank and Government authority.

Marketing is also plays a major role in selling of any product. If you have good quality product, legal clear product but if you do not have marketing strategy then your product can be failed. Marketing should be according to the product. Coco- Cola, Pepsi, Reliance and TATA is established brand in spite of that they have to advertise their products.

Unfair trade Practice
We should avoid Unfair Trade Practice , means we should not misguide our clients by misguiding information or fabricated publicity.

Transparency is most important to sell our product. I told you that today customer are more intelligent than us. Customer have many option to clarify about our self and about our product.

Self confidence
We should believe in our-self and our product , we should confident that we can sell our product. This mentality empower us. This is our hidden power we should apply this.

I believe that if we apply Kaizen- Method in our any product then their is no chances of failure. If we want to win customer's heart then we have to apply all above thing for selling of our product.

If our product is quality product and it is legal clear and we are transparent and we are selling at reasonable price then no need to go, no need to win customer's heart through mind. Customer will be bound to buy our product.

We do not go any restaurant, we do not go for any shops, we do not go any company only due to their good behavior. If we go some where again by again only it is only due to quality. Can we go any restaurant and have bad food due to good behavior ?. Can we sell any product only by loving customer without quality and legal clearance ? can we purchase any bad or inferior thing due loving nature ?

We should enter in to customer heart not only by love although by mixing Quality product, Translucency , Marketing, self - confidence and good behavior..

I was asked that What is your investment to win hearts before you aim to reach coustomer' mind ?? 

I  have  not invested my  self only for winning customer's heart by loving them  although, I have invested  myself to provide quality product and tremendous services. I apply Love but I do not apply only love. I believe in myself and my product. I am much confident about my product. I will not have to approach and convince to customer for selling my product, although customer will be bound to purchase my product.

Quality and services are the two load stone which attracts customers on its own.The core of any business is the customer. A customer will be satisfied and stay loyal to you only if you satisfy them on these two counts.

Monday, Mumbai.

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