Friday 22 June 2012

Fix a Relationship Already Damaged by Cheating ?

Cheating happens, and for many people it's usually a deal-breaker. Yet at the same time, you'd be surprised at the number of couples who stay married or go on dating even after an affair.

Can you ever trust your partner again after cheating?
So how do they do it? How do you get past the fact that your lover cheated on you, or if you were the one who was unfaithful, get them to forgive you for what you did?

In short, recovering a romance damaged by infidelity is a mult-step process. Each step is important, and skipping over any of these steps will always leave holes and gaps in the foundation of any new relationship you try to build together.

You can't just shove cheating under a rock and forget about it. You can't cover your eyes and ears, and pretend it didn't happen.

Unless it's dealt with in a way that satisfies both people involved in the relationship, cheating willalways come back to haunt you. As you try to continue a normal and healthy relationship, the fact that one person cheated will always be lingering in the back of everyone's mind.

Any affair or infidelity has to be acknowledged, faced, and then eventually put away for good in the interest of moving forward. You can't rebuild a relationship shattered by cheating if you or your partner is still constantly bringing up the affair.

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