Thursday 1 December 2011

Laws for Outlaws: Laws pertaining to women.

Today, There are whole gamut of laws pertaining to women's right. Just framing laws will not reduce or halt crimes.It is equally important for the oppressor and the victim to be fully of  aware of the laws and its consequences.

Let's us take Sec-509 according to the " Indian Penal Code ".

Section - 509 
Word, gesture or act intended to insult the modesty of a women - Whoever, intended to insult the modesty of any women ,utters any word, make any sound or gesture , or exhibits any object,intending that such word or sound shall be heard, or that such gesture or object shall be seen, by such women, or intrudes upon the privacy of such women shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year, or with fine or with both.

Essential Ingredients
Words or gestures intended to insult the modesty of a women falls within the ambit of the section. The essential ingredients of the section are as follows:

Where an offenders :
(1) Utters a word,makes any sound or gesture or exhibits any 
(2) with the intention that it be heard, seen or intrudes upon 
    the privacy of such women;
commits the offence.

It is clear that the intention must be to insult the modesty of some particular woman or women, and not merely any class or section of women,however small.

Even if the exact words could not be placed on record, if the court arrives at a finding that the accused had such an intention for which purpose he uttered the offending words,it can punish the accused.

Punishment - Simple imprisonment for 1 year, or fine, or both.
Offence    - Cognizable.
                At Last:
How many women are even aware of it ? Therefore, spreading awareness about the law is as important as framing the law.Victims will be the position to approach the authority for justice if they are aware of the law, which is relevant to them.If the oppressor (specially women) are aware of the laws which favour them, they would to more confident to approach the authority for justice.
you can complaint in any police station.But this law should not be misutilized.This is for your protection.
Reference Book:The Indian Penal Code, 1860
Mumbai, India

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