Wednesday 30 November 2011

Self-Proclaimed eXpert

Respect can never be demanded, it has to commanded. Therefore our actions and works should speak for it self.

There are so many people who proclaimed that they are the best without the agreement of others.

Self- Proclamation shows that someone has given themselves a particular title or status rather than being given it by other people. 

Always remember that people always react with positively to anything which is good and negatively to anything which is bad.Therefore we should just do our duties and let people judge for themselves.

Our action and work  speaks itself ,there is no need to grow our own trumpet. 


Sunday 27 November 2011

Time for Introspection

I was asked by many people that why always you talk and write about unnatural thing like.. Empower your self,Identify your self ,hidden power ,discover your self etc.

Someone asked - We could be Leaders in our own work place but  are we Leading our Lives or forced to Follow what comes for us? 

It is time to Introspection.Mr.Sanjay, can you tell me what is introspection ?

Ans - Introspection is the examination of one's own thoughts or feeling.

I have been saying since more than 25 years that self observation is must. Without knowing our self we can not success.

I always say before deciding anything ,first decide your self that what you are and what is your abilities ?

I have always said find your self first . 

Never start your journey or never attempt for any target without knowing you self.First identify your hidden power then utilize it and if you are find your self unfit then better change the ways and try to according to your inner power.

Seeking for my Mistake ...

I tried to find out other meaning of Introspection and as well as  I also wanted to examine myself that what I have been saying and writing, is it correct ? I visited " Wikipedia "

Introspection is the self-observation and reporting of conscious inner thoughts,desire and sensations , it is a conscious and purposive process relying on thinking ,reasoning and examining ,one's own thoughts and feeling. 

Introspection is like the actively describe by Plato where he said- " Why should we not calmly and patiently review our own thoughts, and thoroughly examine and see what these appearances in us really are ?"

After reading above statement I came to know that what I have been saying and what I am writing is correct. It empowered me and I feel more energetic to write .

Only by through thoughtful contemplation ,dedicated self  discovery and truthful personal reflection we can realize how    we really are ? Therefore, Introspection is must for everyone.


Kaash Agar Hum Bacche Hote....

I saw this picture and thought that children are always innocent . They do not know what is castism , hate, love, difference of little and big etc. 

Just they are like a little messenger of Almighty , who attracts us by their innocent act and small small activities. Whenever we are in anger , depression, difficulties then their act gives us happiness and for sometime we forget our sadness and we mix up to loving them.

In fact children help us for forgetting bad situation of life , some time they empower us, sometime they teach a lesson . 

I always think , why we become rude, anger, enemy and quarrel with each other, whenever we cross our childhood or after maturity.Can we do not behave like a child ? Pure , honest and innocent.Can we not fight and love together .

Pal me Jhagadna - Pal me Milna, Pal me Rona - Pal me Hasna, Pal me Ruthna - Pal me Manana aur Pal me ruth kar maan Jana.

Kaash agar hum bacche hote ..


Saturday 26 November 2011

Marketing : Is Degree Enough ?

We can not convince or sale any products or services to others without their interest . Best way to sale your products or services , first you should create  interest to others for listing you , then you can explain and convince them. If you meet  someone and you want to explain something then contemplate first others present mental status and their priorities . 

I have to meet professionals from other companies and there are many professional works in our company.One thing is common in Mostly professionals that they do not understand body language and situation of customer or employer.Whenever they meet,they start speaking without knowing other situation  then I have to stop them and I become bound to say them that I am busy in some other important work , now I have no time to listen you, catch me later. 

One day, I kept my view in the meeting. I would like to share all of you.

Secret of selling of product and services -- Firstly , fix a meeting, create interest of others to you, understand others's body language , listen carefully , reply related to subject , do not be irritate during the meeting, try to understand others requirement and interest , explain why products or service are necessary and what is advantage and how can it could be useful ,if you are 100% sure that other person is convinced then you should start about selling and pricing.

I would like to advice to my employee and colleague  that before selling your products or services , firstly create interest of other , if others are not interested then do not try to convince and sale your products or services. Otherwise , you could lose your prospective customers.

If you do not find room for sharing your view then do not try to share; wait for right time, right situation and right place.


Before You Speak

There are so many people who start speaking without listening and without thinking . Many people think after speaking and mostly time they regret that they should not have spoken . 

Many time I observed that marketing executive , sales man , colleague , partner and others people start speaking without knowing our interest. They are least bother about others interest even they do not observe or they do not understand others person body's Language . 

Many educated people are suffering with this habit.Only education is not enough, only marketing in MBA is not enough, although how to apply ,its matter.Mostly people try to explain their-self without knowing others interest ,thinking that I should complete myself any how , after wards if other will need then they will contact them. They think we should be completed their part. may be they could think that we got a time to meet so we should give maximum explanation , maximum conversation etc.

We would like to share my view that first contemplate others by speaking by talking and by body language then speak, you will be succeed to clear what you want to say.
Every good conversation starts with good listing.We could apply it every where e.g. in personal life, in business, in meeting, in conversation etc.

Best listener can be best speaker. Before you speak ask yourself if what you are going to say is true, is kind, is necessary, is helpful , if the answer is no, may be what are about to say should be left unsaid.


Thursday 24 November 2011

Head vs Heart

It is quite common for people to make wrong decision because they are confused as to when to use their heart and when to use their head .

When you use your head you should not use your heart.When you use your heart you should not use your head. Head and heart should be used independently depending on the situation .

All decision generally goes wrong when you use one in the place of others.Judicious use of head and heart will always lead to a correct decision which in turn will lead to success.

If all decision are taken only on merit then there is no confusion. Wrong decision are taken because wrong consideration influence the decision.

One person are more worried about what others will think,feel or say.The best way forward in life is to do what you think and feel is right. Therefore whenever you should use your head use head, whenever you should your heart use heart.

Mumbai, INDIA

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Over - Smart

Smartness is good but Over smartness is very bad. There are so many employee in our company they understand they can do any thing , they can explain any thing , they think that they are more smarter than others colleague . Some are really smart but some one are not enough smart bur they show off they are also smart.

One day in the meeting I asked to everyone that who is smart and who is over smart ?

1.who can work properly .
2.who understand properly.
3.who understand and explain .
4.Who are dedicated to the work .
5.Who follow the rules and regulations .
6.Who are work oriented .
7.Who understand requirements of clients .
8.Who provide better service to customer.
9.who comes on time to office.
10.Who are always ready to do work according to demand .

Over - Smart
1.Who can do more work.
2.Who understand smart them self but in
  fact they are not.
3.My senior is over smart.
4.Who works smartly .
5.There are no meaning of smartness.
6.Who understands by them self.
7.who can sale more products.
8.Who never mistakes.

My View
Smart - Who takes right decision at right time. Who tries to understand all the thing. Who accept their mistake and keep ready to improvise him self.Who reply later ,listen first.

Over - Smart - Who understands what he is and what he does ,what he says is right, and never ready to accept that they can be wrong. Who tries to convince forcibly that what he says is always right ans never accept their faults in spite of their mistakes.

At Last 

There are no one is smart.There are no one is perfect. There are always chances for mistakes.Therefore, be smart but not be over smart. Smartness is this when you accept your faults and ready to learn from others.


Monday 21 November 2011

Make Mistakes

In Every Mistake there is a potential   for growth. The best way forward in life is to do what you think and feel is right. 
It can always happen that is what is called wrong today may be right tomorrow . Something is called a mistake only with the relevance to a particular place and time. The same event in different circumstance may be correct.

The only way to not to make a mistake is not do anything at all. The one should not be afraid of making mistake.The fear of failure is a sure guarantee of it.
One should not bother about making a mistake.Mistake can be corrected or rectified.But doing nothing can be condemned.

Mumbai , INDIA

Sunday 20 November 2011

Handling Disappointments : Key of Life

Disappointment are a part and parcel of life and the key to life is all handling disappointments. Your measure of success is directly propositional to ability to handle disappointments.

Disappointments are actually what you make out of a particular situation. Embracing the disappointments leaves to frustration, depression and anger which in turn results in stress.This stress is turn place havoc with your health.

Some time we are disappointed due to several several reason sometime situation become out of control and we lose our patience and some time we become mentally unbalance . 

We all of us face this type of problem , some people handle it but some people can not handle this and start doing unwanted activities ,like irritation  anger, depression , quarrel etc.. but in the same situation some people handle disappointment   situation calmly and patiently . 

whenever we become disappointed or we go to the depression stage then we should keep ourselves quiet and cool, because we cannot solve the problems, although we create more problems. By loosing our control can we solve the problems?
NEVER.. then why we do not keep quite and cool ? 
If you are responsible person then there are so many extra liabilities you have to maintain , you have to do many thing not only for you even some time for other people also.

One should be calm in any situation so as to be able to think clearly and handle the situation better.Therefore one should understand that having patience will increase your ability to handle disappointments better.
Better you are able to handle your disappointments the more will be your success in life.Keep your appointment with disappointments.

Mumbai, India

Thursday 17 November 2011


You would have met some people who never talks point to point, although they talk about here and there then we have to stop them and we have to say them, forcibly , Come to the point, directly. WE always face these type of people who irritate us even they are not ready to understand that they are diverted and creating some problems for other.

Definitively, you would have also faced and met these type of super genius, who think what they say is right.Main problem creates whenever we say them do not talk unrelevant point, what is the relation with two different topic then what they say that I am talking to the point , I am not talking unrelated thing.

What is this ?
What is the meaning of point to point ? Its means if you are talking regarding the movies then do not mix sports. If you are talking about real estate then do not talk about computer.If you are providing legal services then do not try to sell computer parts. If you are talking about film making then do not talk about political issue, etc..
                                          What should we do ?
What should we do ? we try to explain them , if they do not understand leave them with their view and try to find right person . As well as if you are approaching to someone regarding selling of goods or providing services then you should also talk point to point. Corporate never like unwanted discussion . If you will not realized then you will be realized that you are unwanted people and they will start avoiding you.


Therefore, if you want to gain faith and respect among the corporate , elite class, HNI or any successful people then avoid unrelated topic and explain all thing point to point . If you  apply this thing you can gain faith and name both and whenever both will come together then money will also come with them. If you could not understand then other person will interrupt  you and they will be bound to say Hello Mr. COME TO THE POINT.

Mumbai, INDIA

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Make your own Way

Mostly people run on ready made path.They try to find their destination on other's made ways.They think if someone got success then why they will not get success by running on same track.Do you think that, is it possible ? 
Every people are not equal.Everyone cannot be successful as well as everyone cannot be failure.

There are different different planning for running on different different track. If someone has made a way for achieve his destination then his planning can be different , his working style can be different , his thinking can be different . 

How can you justify yourself ? Do you think that by following the same ways you can also achieve your destination ? If your answer is "yes" then you are "wrong" . If you watch all successful people they did not run on the same track, although they made his own ways. They got success in different different field.Remember , all people are different from each other . Our mentality are different, we think differently.

Our destination can be the same but our abilities are different.We apply different different method and different planning to achieve our target then How can everyone get success by running on the same track? 

If you have different target , if you have different destination then you will have to make a different path, different ways.Instead of running on ready made path why do you not make your own path ? You batter know about your self. What you are ? What is your ambition ? What is your abilities ? What is your planning? How will you get your target? 
Success never come without correct direction.Planning is always made by great desire, great hunger to achieve goal.If there are not right direction and strong plan then there is less chances for success.We have to follow several thing and we have to bring all the thing together. If we could not joint all the tool then we can not make a strong way.There is no way then there is no success.
Stop following to follow other's ways,there is not guaranteeing of success but there is more chances to achieve your destination if you make & follow your ways.

If you did not think till toady. Think now differently, and make your own ways and watching your self growing towards your destination.


Saturday 12 November 2011


Every child has a hidden talent, but we never tried to find it. There are many child who lost their talent because of  one one could recognized their talent. Mostly parent apply their wish on their children . They think that what they want their children should do the same thing. When their children does not get proper result then they  become furious and start blaming that my children cannot do any thing.He / she is dull. They are average or poor student.Children could not able to understand wrong or right, although we have to guide them, we have to motivate them.

But I ask you, did you ever tried to find out that what your children want? What is their interest? What is their abilities? What is their hidden talent? What they can do batter?Why they are being failed in exam? 
Remember, every child are different from each other.There are some hidden talent in every children  with childhood. We have to recognize their hidden talent. If we could recognize or discover their hidden talent then result can be tremendous. They can prove their-self.

Many time you want your child should be a Dr. or engineer , but you never find out their interest and abilities. May be your children could not perform according to your wish but it may be possible that they could do better than your expectation.

so, instead of superseding your wish on them, find their hidden talent and provide them a platform and see the result. If you could provide a chance after recognize their talent then you will not have to say to prove yourself. they will prove their self , itself.

Children should work or perform accordimg to you it is their duty, but what is your duties ? First, discover their hidden talent,  and give them  chances to prove their self.Gradually they can develop their talent and one day you will be proud on your children . So instead of superseding on them ,discover their hidden genius.


Friday 11 November 2011


Project management is always a difficult task to keep on top of and it can become quite complicated at times, especially with a number of different components to bring together.However, with a logical and persistent approach, combined with effective and careful planning, project Management Company easily handles all projects.

Project management is the discipline of planning, organizing, and managing resources to achieve specific goals. 

In practice, the management system is often quite different, and as such requires the development of distinct skill and management strategies.

The development process requires skill of many professionals: architects, landscape architect, civil engineers and site planners to address project design, market consultant to determine demand and a project’s economics, attorneys to handle agreements and government approvals, environmental consultants and soil engineers to analyze a site’s physical limitations and environmental impacts; surveyors and title companies to provide legal description of a property.

Project planning generally consists of:--

• Determining how to plan
• Developing the scope statement
• Selecting the planning team,
• Identifying deliverable and creating the work breakdown
• Identifying the activities needed to complete those deliverable
  and networking the activities in their logical sequence,
• Estimating time and cost for activities,
• Developing the schedule, 
• Developing the budget, 
• Risk planning.
• Gaining formal approval to begin work.

For new developments projects, conceptual design of the operation of the final product may be performed concurrent with the project planning activities.


Executing consists of the processes used to complete the work defined in the project plan to accomplish the project’s requirement .

Execution process involves coordinating people and resources, as well as integrating and performing the activities of project management plan.

Mumbai, India

Even Corporate Make Mistakes

Corporate make mistakes even after establishments of huge office, appointing well educated staff and Professional , using High Tech Technology  and Putting Money - Power and using Muscle - Power / Political Power etc.

What, I am going to explain and sharing to all of you, it is related to Real Estate Sector.I always meet Corporate People and come to know that they can be also wrong.Why they fail even after putting all efforts ? I tried to find answer of this question. 

I have to meet several MNC / Developers / Investor and High Net Individuals.I meet several leading companies of India. Some of them doing great and tremendous work for developments but mostly Companies are facing legal problems due to lack of correct information and Land acquisition procedure even they could not start their development works after putting Money and Muscle Power.
India :Some Facts 
The Real Estate Sector in India assumed greater prominence with the liberalization of the economy, as consequent increase in business opportunities and labour migration led to rising demand and housing space. At present, the real estate and construction sectors are playing a crucial role in the overall development of India’s core infrastructure.

The Real Estate Industry’s growth is linked to developments in the retail, hospitality and entertainment (hotels, resorts, cinema theatres) industries, economics (hospitals, schools)and information technology (IT)  enabled services    ( like call centers ) etc and vice versa.
In 2002 the government permitted 100 percent foreign direct investment (FDI) in housing through integrated township development.

India’s Real Estate Sector is witnessing a growing rate of 30% annually over the next decade. These growth in real estate industry encouraged lots of developers, industrialists, MNCs and investors to explore the new and virgin areas of Maharashtra.

Konkan Region 
Konkan region of Maharashtra i.e. Raigad, Ratnagiri, sindhudurg and part of Goa have emerged as best destination for MNCs, developers, Industrialist, and investors. Several types of development works are being carried by the big groups in this district of Maharashtra.The three main factors with contribute to any development works are topography, location and access .

These districts have all three counts on high scale. So the districts provide lot of option to grow by developing infrastructure such as industrial estate, residential colonies, farm houses, second homes, hospitality, entertainment, educational hub, and special township project (STP), SEZ and many more.

These facts have triggered the demand among MNCs, developers, Industrialists, and Investor to invest in lands for their various projects. But lack of information about the lands, its legal status, its zone, its D.P. plans etc., its proving an obstacle to a smooth acquisition.
Scores of instance of companies or high net worth individuals being duped have come to the fore. Like some have purchased lands for industrial projects and later found out it falls into some other zone because of which they cannot execute their plans. Many others have got entangled in either red tape or obstacles from locals ending up in legal hassles.

Corporate Work Style 

Before any investment the main concern is NO RISK and ASSURED GROWTH. Keeping this concept in mind, all corporate design and plan before starting any projects. 

They appoint highly educated professional, legal advisory committee , Great planner and invest huge money for infrastructure and Technology.They establish different - different departments for different - different works.
Before completing their Home-Work they never start any projects.They start their work after approval by all concern departments.

In spite of that they fell in problems and lose their money and sometime they has to leave the project even after big investments.

My View
If you are planning to buying properties in any part of India , then you have to aware of land laws in India.There are many rules and regulation. When it comes to lands, there are many related issue like transfer of ownership, right over these lands, improvement and protection of lands and much more.
As Real Estate Developers and Builders are hunting for raw land across the country for their upcoming construction projects, even several foreign companies hunting for lands, a specialized set of land is under the process of acquisition and development.

Property Development
Property Development is a multifaceted business, encompassing activities and release of existing building to the purchaser of raw land and the sale of improved land or parcels to others. 

Developers are the coordinators of the activities, converting ideas on paper into property. 

Developers buy land, finance real estate deals, build or have builders build projects, create, imagine, control and orchestrate the process of development from the beginning to end. 
Developers usually take the greatest risk in the creation or renovation of real estate and receive the greatest rewards.

Typically, developers purchase a tract of land, determine the marketing of the property, develop the building program and design, obtain the necessary approval and financing, build the structure, and lease, manage, and ultimately sell it. 
Developers work with many different counterparts along each step of this process, including architects, city planners, engineers, surveyors, inspectors, contractor, leasing agent and more. 

In general, land development is the riskiest but most profitable technique as it is so dependent on the public sector for approvals and infrastructure and because it involves a long investment period with no positive cash flow.

At Last
Setting up a project today is not just putting money power, muscle power or political power, what is required is in-depth knowledge of the subject coupled with complete adherence to all the prescribed rules and regulations.

Real property is not just the ownership of property and building, but owner of immovable property that are entirely conceptual, therefore we have to be aware of the legal aspects  related to that land like its legal status, its zones, its D.P. Plan, updated Govt. policy for that particular area etc. , so that we do not fall into any trouble.
Education is not guarantee for success . Education is only a medium.

Technology is only a tool using for business - support.You can use to enhance your business, if wrongly use it could be detrimental.Always the man behind the machine to counts.

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Indian Property Management and Research
