Saturday 17 September 2011

Love : weakness or STRENGTH ? Don't ask anyone. It is PERSONAL..

I was asked by Mr. Dharmendar Shekhar Ojha, A master of Website design, web marketing and PRO ,Sir, can you give me your opinion about love, love is weakness or strength ? According to me love can  not be define in words, as love has no meaning as well as love has endless meaning. Love has been defining till today and it will be defining forever. Every one defines meaning of love according to their experience.Some time it can be most powerful, and some time it can be weakness.If you try to find true meaning of love , If you ask to different - different people,you will get different-different answers.

whenever, we alone then we need someone to love. When we get, we think we are happiest person,. when we get all according to our choice, we feel we are so lucky , when we get something wrong then we think we are unlucky. Sometime, when we love some one , sometime we hate them who was loved ones. why we love and hate the same person? No one can give satisfactory answers because there can be different - different reason, so there can be different-different answers.

Why we discover meaning of love ? Why we want answers of unanswerable question ? There are so many up and down comes in our life ,choices can be change,lovers can be change,situation can be change , our mentality can be change, in coming future all thing can be change, what is going to happen in coming future we  don't know, then how can we find the answer of question which has not raised ? what is happening in other life and it will be happen in our life also?How can we justify that our problem will be the same? we decide according to our mentality ,when our mentality is different to each other, then how answer can be the same? in the same situation all people do not take same decision then, Is it possible to get 100% right answer?

If we can not find the answer then why we disturb our present life. what is we  have , we should accept it. Whenever any question will be raised, whenever situation will change , then you try to find answer, not now. Sometime we feel, love is weakness and sometime it is strength.It is requirement of circumstance which we face every day. It is feeling so do not try to give it a meaning,do not try to explain meaning of love  in the words.

According to me,love has different- different meaning in the different - different   situation . It is always change.Love is not a weakness not a strength, it is need of ourself. Sometime it empower us , sometime it disturbs us. whenever we alone ,we need . Whenever, we busy, We need not love . We can not do every thing with love as well as  we can do every thing without love also.It is inner feeling , it is our inner weakness, it is our inner strength.

I have bitter experience in my love life , in spite of that I believe Love is Love with endless meaning.I have no doubt about purity of love. I say, if you love someone, then you will be loved by someone also. So,Do not ask anyone about it, it is purely individual, it is purely personal.

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