They think what they think is right and Taslima should be killed for insulting of Islam. Unfortunately all are same mentality and they came together against you and others started believing that all cannot be wrong and they all assumed that Taslima is a culprit and she should be punished.
I would like to share, what I knew about you...you are awarded many time for your writing for human rights and others topics.(I am not a good writer and my English is also not good.)
Black lines indicate you and Red lines indicate me.
Humankind is facing an uncertain future.The probability of new kinds of rivalry and conflict looms large.
I am not able to describe.
In particular, the conflict is between two different ideas, secularism and fundamentalism. I don't agree with those who think the conflict is between religions or between the East and the West.
I agree.
To me, this conflict is basically between rational, logical thinking and irrational blind faith.
I agree.
To me, this is a conflict between modernity and anti-modernism. While some strive to go forward, others strive to go backward.
I strongly believe.
This is a conflict between innovation and tradition, between those who value freedom and those who do not.
I am not able to describe.
In particular, the conflict is between two different ideas, secularism and fundamentalism. I don't agree with those who think the conflict is between religions or between the East and the West.
I agree.
To me, this conflict is basically between rational, logical thinking and irrational blind faith.
I agree.
To me, this is a conflict between modernity and anti-modernism. While some strive to go forward, others strive to go backward.
I strongly believe.
This is a conflict between innovation and tradition, between those who value freedom and those who do not.
True,I hearty accept.
I believe in human rights, women’s rights, the freedom of speech and thought and expression, gender equality, secular humanism, and scientific rationality.
I am agree and with you.
These are unshakable beliefs.
It is must.
Inasmuch as I believe in my right to express my thoughts and opinions,
I believe in human rights, women’s rights, the freedom of speech and thought and expression, gender equality, secular humanism, and scientific rationality.
I am agree and with you.
These are unshakable beliefs.
It is must.
Inasmuch as I believe in my right to express my thoughts and opinions,
I support you.But sometime law does not allow.
I also believe in the rights of those who oppose my thoughts and expressions. They must individually have the right to express their thoughts freely, and so must I.
I am opposed to male oppression, religious fundamentalism, superstition, economic disparity, misogyny, ignorance, inequalities,injustices, and much else.
I accept except economic disparity.
Since my earliest childhood, I have opposed all this. No one taught me - it came from within.
I believe this.It can be by birth.
Again, from my earliest childhood I practised what I thought and felt. This has moulded me in a different way.
That is why, Today you are not just a women or a writer. you are Taslima Nasreen and world knows you.
My observation :
When I contemplated your life and read thought I did not find any mistakes. What was you thinking ,what was you doing ,it was so natural.I do not find that you did anything intentionally wrong.What you felt you did.What you saw you wrote.You tried to find out all answer of your questions about religion but No body could convinced you.
You made your own ways and did not care what other says and what other thinks.Your life changed according to changing circumstances :
1.Your family life, where your mother could not gave proper
2.Your mother could not convince you about Quran and Allah.
3.You routinely examined young girls had been raped during your
practice as gynecologist .
4.you started writing on women'rights.
5.Your thinking was completely different and you were passionate
about working.
6.You wrote four novels before Lajja ,in which a Hindu family is
persecuted by Muslims, and this was beginning of your real
7.A community thought you are being supported by non-Muslim
fundamentalists and they hurt-ed you and still seeking for a
8.A fatwa was issued to kill you by allegedly liberal
intelligentsia, and this incident changed your life and career.
9.To save and survive you self you had to shifted here and there
many country supported you but till today you feel like
homeless.Your life is like a postcard without address.
10.Bangadesh govt. did not allow to enter in the country.
Now you are known as a physician, a writer, a feminist, a human rights activist and a secular humanist.But unfortunately still you are Homeless Everywhere.
You Said:
I criticize Islam, I criticize Hinduism, I criticize Buddhism, as well as Christianity, Judaism and all other religion. Only Muslim radicals want me dead.
"I know I shall face more and more problems. But I shall continue my battle till my last breath,".
At last:
What happened and what is happening there is no fault of Taslima Nasreen.Every thing is quite natural.I did not find any mistakes in you although I believe that conservative mind people are responsible for this.But you should thankful to them who rejected you and said you are against the Muslim religion and being supported by Non-Muslim fundamentalists and they issued a fatwa to kill you.It was the turning point of your life.Now whole world is supporting you except some communities.
Now you got what you always wanted.All world wants to listen you and they accepted that you are fighting for human rights and you are a feminist, They awarded you but they do not want to keep you in their country for a long time.
Writing is your mission, and you believe in Tagore's "Jodi tor dak shune keu na ashe, tobe ekla cholo re". ( If no one comes to your support, plough a lonely furrow.)
Undoubtedly ,Any obstacles could not stop you.

Related Topic: Taslima Nasreen : Unplugged Feminist
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