Relation is not made in a day. It is made by love , caring , sacrifice , etc. It takes long time.Suddenly we can not love, suddenly we can not give our heart to any one.First, we like , then wait,try to understand,lastly we love and start a new journey in our life on love's way.Sometime, we break our lovely relationship due to mistake, due to misunderstanding etc.At the time of breaking, we do not think about each other , just we think about our self and we do not want to go back. Both are hurt-ed,but We do not care ,just we want to finish our love's chapter.
Mistake can been done by any one.Someone accept and apologize and restarts their life, but someone do not accept and they choose the way , separation.If there is some mistake or any misunderstanding it should be cleared .
Now, I tell about my self , In my life I have done some mistake.I accept, but I want to clear that misunderstanding can not be a mistake.My friend , they have mistaken me,but I know, that there are some my mistake also.I should be given a chance for clarification.
If they are not ready to listen anything and they believe that what they know, It is 100% right and I hurt-ed them, then to save my relationship, I apologize them.