We take an example, When we go to the shopping mall, and if we like a shirt but price is not in our budget, but when we liked then we become ready to pay higher price because we do not want compromise with quality.As well as, We pay higher price a good technician, we pay more price to the Dr, we pay higher price to good location of property, we pay more higher price for ventilated house etc.
Whenever, we purchase cheaper goods and it does not work according to our wish then what we do , we regret, and think that for save some money, we should not have purchased inferior quality goods.Next time, whenever we go to purchase any thing,then we try to purchase superior quality goods.

Give me answer a simple question. If you hire a any company who provides you hassle- free service and charge you more than other companies and some company charges less amount but they do not provide you hassle-free service, Although they start calling you for unwanted small-small reason then with whom, would you like to go ?
There are so many Dr, so many advocate so many technician they come to you, they wait for you, but there are some Dr. some advocate they do not have time, they are not easily available then we take appointment and wait for a long time even they charge us higher and we pay happily, and we think we spent more money but we got quality services.
Therefore, in stead of running behind the money improve yourself , try to provide good service, try to sell quality goods, try to give good treatment , try to do for the best in your field then you will not have to run behind the money and money will come behind you.
Stop running behind the money, although start running behind the good works behind the providing quality services, behind a create a fantastic idea then Money will follow you.Cultivate your quality , money will grow like fruits.
Thomas L. Doorley, III • Solid advice...figure out how to satisfy a need, a meaningful one at that, and the reward will come. As an advisor to stage 1&2 (young, entrepreneurial companies I counsel them not to worry match about an exit. If you build a successful enterprise a satisfying exit will come. To think exit too soon is putting th horse before the cart...harldy a way to make progess.

BURAK ALSANCAK likes this discussion by Sanjay Sarraf

Mail id - sarrafsanjay@ymail.com
Mumbai, India
Professional Director at National Association of Corporate Directors
Thomas L. Doorley, III • Solid advice...figure out how to satisfy a need, a meaningful one at that, and the reward will come. As an advisor to stage 1&2 (young, entrepreneurial companies I counsel them not to worry match about an exit. If you build a successful enterprise a satisfying exit will come. To think exit too soon is putting th horse before the cart...harldy a way to make progess.
BURAK ALSANCAK likes this discussion by Sanjay Sarraf
Indian Property Management and Research
Mail id - sarrafsanjay@ymail.com
Mumbai, India
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