I believe in presenting facts as it is without fear and concern for any consequences thereof.I dont agree with you but I fully agree that you have every right to disagree with me.
Tuesday, 25 December 2012
Friday, 10 August 2012
DDD : Direction Determines Destination
What is the origin of true ambition? There exists really only one place to find true ambition and that is within you – in every thought, in every movement, in every motivation. Your ambition is an expression of who you truly are, your own self-expression.
Self-expression. Isn't self-expression really self-direction? How you think, how you move, how you motivate yourself. Ambition is a result of self-direction and self-direction is one of the six key principles necessary for building ambition. Positive self-direction says, "I know who I am and I know where I want to go.
I'm accumulating knowledge and experiences and feelings and philosophies that will help prepare me for opportunities that I know will show up without notice or any help on my part." Because you know where you want to go, you have already been working on the parts of your personality that will make you better. Working on your attitude, working on your health, working on your time management skills. Putting it all down on paper. And you constantly see yourself in the place you want to be, going in the direction you want to go.
Direction determines destination. So here is a question you must ask yourself, "Are all the disciplines that I'm currently engaged in taking me where I want to go?" What an important question to ask yourself at the beginning of the month, the beginning of the week, the beginning of the day. Because here is what you don't ever want to do - kid yourself. Kid your neighbor, kid me and kid the marketplace, but don't kid yourself - fingers crossed - hoping you will arrive at a good destination when you're not even headed that way. You have to ask yourself often, Am I? Am I doing the disciplines that are taking me in the direction I want to go? Don't neglect to ask these important questions, questions that help determine your direction, the set of your sail, your destination.
Is this the direction I want for my life?
Is this someone else's direction?
Is this a goal I have been ingrained with since my childhood?
Is this goal my parent's, my spouse's, my boss', my children's or is it Mine?
Ask yourself these questions and then debate them. After you have answered these questions within yourself, then take it one step further and ask, "What am I doing that is working or not working?" Debate it all. Work with your mind to figure out the best possible direction for you - your self-direction. And then ambitiously pursue your own self-direction. Let the power of your own ambition take you where you want to go, to do what you want to do, to create the life you want to live!
Friday, 3 August 2012
Killer of unborn Lokpal-Bill : Self proclaimed Leader
Indian people were come under a umbrella for fighting for Lokpal-Bill. They came together against the Government and a series of Andolan was started. Mostly Indian spent their time and emotional attachment for a strong Lokpal bill. The movement was non-political, so people was joined. Now Andolan is converted from social to political. What is the next ? Politician are criminal, Rapist and looter according to self-proclaimed national Anna team and so called fabricated man Anna.. After making a political party Socialist will be converted in to politician, wow , Good .
- Why Anodan were failed ?
- Rigidness
- Abusing elected MP
- Act like king of king
- Abusing language
- Unnecessary presser on Govt
- Hired Andolankari
- Changing demand
- Dis-honesty in Parliament and judicially system
Anna and Anna team should be punished by people who supported them for made Andolan successful. Now there is no reason for join, but what punishment should be given to self - proclaimed leaders.
Saturday, 28 July 2012
Stay Positive When Bad Things Happen

Bad Things In Life
No one ever said life is going to be easy. We all have experienced rough times in our lives, some others more than most. We all look for our answers when bad things happen and especially when it happens to good people. It can also be very easy to start the blame game or the “what if” game after bad things happen.
Let’s face it though, we can’t prevent or predict when bad things happen in our lives. Honestly, bad things are more likely going to happen to us in the future.
Life can be pretty complicated with mayhem and at times you may feel like you been knocked down so hard that you may never recover. There is hope though and although it may not seem like there, just remember it can’t rain all the time and there will be light eventually.
How We Cope To Bad Things In Life
The way we overcome bad things in order to keep pushing forward in life and not letting it get us in “Quicksand” is all dependent on the way we handle and react to these outcomes in life.
Don’t Worry About The Things You Can’t Control – There is no point stressing yourself out in worrying about the things you can’t control. Focus on what you can control and that is the present, not the past or impossible things for the future.
Learning Experience – The most effective thing we can do from rough events in our life is to learn from them. Whether you are spiritual or not, there is a driving force in this world that tells us that things happen for a reason. Seek out that reason and embrace it. If a difficult event happened in your family that has brought everyone together then maybe that reason is getting the opportunity to spend time with your family that you may never have done before. This is not to say to forget or ignore the problem but try to learn from this experience, it is the only way to get better in life.
Keep It Positive – You must stay head strong and always look for the positive in life even when it looks bleak in life. Keeping a positive outlook will help you push through this temporary setback in life. You are what you think. Watch funny movies and T.V, go out and do something fun or spend quality time with friends. Do whatever you got to do to stay positive.
Keep Pushing Forward – Never go backwards, you must always keep pushing forward and overcoming obstacles in life.
Have Faith / Hope – Finally, the thing you must keep is faith and hope alive. This will pass, tomorrow the sun will rise again and the future will become better. You have to maintain a sense of hope or otherwise you will be holding on to something that will keep you complacent.
Having hope will give you purpose to move forward.
For Self-Motivation
Motivation is always necessary for an individual to progress. But it is rare that this motivation is available from external sources, so self motivation becomes important for the growth of an individual.
Self motivation is like a lens that helps you to develop some skills internally and can achieve a lot in life. Generally people are capable of really great things but find it tough to achieve it. They just need a push that can help them achieve their dreams. This push can come only internally. There are some techniques that can be applied in your life. Initially it will take some time before this can be implemented and is successful. Here are some tips for implementing self-motivation in your life.
1) Positive thinking helps
Positive motivation requires you to get rid of all your negative inhibitions. This will help you to venture to do things that you have never done before. Negative thoughts will only lead you to failure. Develop the attitude of can-do and focus on the brighter side of things. Mistakes can happen, but do not be scared of it. Making mistakes helps you to gain wisdom and learn things.
2) Know exactly what you want
Understand what you actually want in life. Visualize for yourself what you want to achieve. In fact pen it down; it will definitely help you to get a clear picture of what you want from life. Be reasonable and pen down those which you know you can achieve. In order to motivate yourself, visualize achieving these goals and feel the joy that you get from it. This will in fact help you to overcome your hardships.
3) Only hard work pays
Once you have your goals visualized, you have got to work hard and do your best to achieve it. Keep your eyes fixed on the goal and work on. Sometimes just the joy of achieving the goal is so great that even the monetary benefits seem less.
4) Do not get discouraged
Life is never smooth and there are always ups and downs. But as you move on in life, success always comes to you. When you face a hurdle, motivate yourself to get over it and remember that there is always a way out. Never dwell on the failures instead focus on the opportunity that is about to come up. Experience teaches you a lot, and learning from your mistakes makes you a better person.
5) Be satisfied and contended
Do not compare yourself with others. You are great as you are. Stick to your standards and try to improve yourself with respect to your standards. Satisfaction is the key to happiness and helps you to be self motivated.
Happiness is a lot dependent on how often you motivate yourself. It helps you largely in achieving your goals in life. Hence it becomes necessary to motivate yourself always .
Positive Thinking & Motivation
The Power of Positive Thinking
Studies show that people who participate in Positive Thinking lead more successful and happier lives than people who don’t. The biggest difference between Success and Failure is that root of that person’s attitude.
To help you with your challenges and obstacles in life that may hinder a Positive Attitude, here are some motivational tips to keep you on track to success.
Daily Positive Thinking & Motivation
1. Surround Yourself With Positive & Motivating People - They say that success is built on the foundation of surrounding yourself with successful and like minded individuals in business. The same process can be applied in Positive Thinking Motivation. Positive Energy is contagious and you will want to keep your environment and entourage filled with Positive people.
2. Gratitude - Incorporating gratitude in you life greatly improves you becoming more happy and content in your life. Realizing first that you must be thankful for what you have and to be happy with what you have will put you in a position of already achieving happiness. If you are always complaining about things you don’t have then you will never be happy. Be grateful and be blessed.
3. Start Your Day By Envisioning Success – Everyday start your day by envisioning your goals that you want to accomplish for that day and empowering yourself in being successful. Start by getting into the habit of already achieving success by first envisioning it. You want to be in a winners mindset each day rather than starting your day off with a negative spin. Just because you woke up on the wrong side of the bed in the morning, turn it around by envisioning a successful rest of the day.
4. Persistence – Failures is the biggest downfall for most people where they give up too easily and think just because they failed a few times, it’s impossible. Success is only failure turned upside down, we learn to be the best by learning from our mistakes and growing from them. Do not give up, push yourself to the limit and go above and beyond that. Stay focused on the goal at hand and don’t miss out on opportunities by giving up, that extra effort, that extra try may be the winning ticket to success.
5. Be a Leader – Don’t just sit on the sidelines waiting for the world to change and expecting others to change for your benefit. Grab success by its horns and take charge. Go out and be the leader where you can inspire others to become positive and productive too. Having people becoming inspired and being a role model for excellence will also help you establish in surrounding yourself with successful people. Don’t wait for things to happen, go out and make things happen.
6. Goal Setting – Have a plan for success. Set your goals on a daily piece of paper and plan out your priorities from the top to bottom. Finish each task before starting another. With long term goals plan out a vision board and business plan for the rest of the year. Having goals outlined in your life will give the drive and motivation you need to become happy and successful in life.
7. Work Out & Eat Right – In order to take care of yourself on the inside you must also reflect wise decisions on the outside. Eating healthy and working out will keep in you a great state of being more productive and help maintain an active mind.
Thursday, 26 July 2012
Gym Tips to Consider
Here are 15 tips to consider when you step into a gym.
Wear comfortable gym attire. Work-out attire should allow you to move freely. Consider fabrics that breath and keep you cool.
Give yourself enough time. There are three parts to a workout: warm-up (10-20 minutes); workout/exercise (45-60 minutes); cool down (5-10 minutes).
Set realistic goals. Establish training goals or what I like to call action steps that are specific and appropriate for your fitness level.
Concentrate on your own program. This is time for you; concentrate on yourself and do what you need to do to achieve what you want to achieve.
Focus on your workout. Pay attention to what you are doing when you are working out. Staying focused helps prevent injury.
Drink water. Keep hydrated. Dehydration can lead to fatigue, muscle weakness, and dizziness.
Plan a balanced strength-training program. A training program trains all major muscle groups. Exercises need to be executed through a full range of motion. It is recommended that you seek the advice of a professional trainer to ensure that you are performing your exercises correctly.
Use the proper form. Bad form leads to injury (periodic supervision by a professional trainer is recommended).
Progress wisely. Exercising too hard/often may lead to drop out and/or injury. Gradual, steady progression is important (supervision by a professional trainer is recommended).
1Add variety to your workout. Change-up your workout routine. Keeping the same workout can lead to boredom, plateaus, and/or injury.
11. Adjust machines to your body size. Exercise equipment is designed to accommodate different body types. Adjust machines to your size; this practice will prevent injury.
12. Cool down after your workout. At the end of your workout, cool down with stretching exercises. This practice will lower your heart rate and improve your flexibility.
13. Practice gym etiquette. Do unto others... move away from the machine after you are finished; wipe your sweat from machines; be cordial; etc.
14. Avoid the all-or-nothing approach. A little exercise is better than no exercise at all – if you do not have time for one hour…a half- hour workout session is better than no session at all.
15. Train with a professional trainer. A one-on-one trainer will design a challenging program tailored to your needs. A trainer will take time to evaluate your fitness level, track your progress, ensure that you are performing the exercises correctly... and a trainer will give you that extra push.
Now, go get changed and be off to the gym…
Friday, 20 July 2012
Transform Your Life by changing Your Attitude
I regret nothing in my life. Even if my past was full of hurts, I still look back and smile because what I am today is because of my past. It made me stronger and stronger. ~ Author Unknown
Are regrets present in your life? I really hope not, but if they are it’s really important for you to have a talk with your own person and make sure that you get to the point where you understand how important it is to change your attitude towards life and let go of regrets. Nothing good can ever come from holding on and resentment, for they are only holding you stuck in the past, now allowing you to enjoy your present life.
We can’t change the history but we can definitely change how we perceive the present moment and influence our future, we can definitely change our attitudes, because just like said it,“attitude is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, the education, the money, than circumstances, than failure, than successes, than what other people think or say or do.
You want to build a happy and successful life and let go of regrets? Well, start working on improving your attitudes toward yourself and towards life and every single day work on building happy, precious moments and in the end, when you will look back at your life you will realize that the sum of those moments helped you build a successful life.
This is how you start building on your happiness, this is how you learn to let go of regrets, and this is how you learn to focus on what you can change – the present moment, and what you can influence – the future!
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